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词汇 discourse
例句 She delivered an entertaining discourse on the current state of the film industry.她发表了一篇关于电影业现状的有趣论述。Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue.美德正是产生于正派有益的交谊和交流。The discourse touches many of the issues which are currently popular.这篇论文涉及到了很多时下热门的话题。The Centre has a strong record of research in discourse analysis.这个中心在语篇分析研究方面成果丰硕。It's been great engaging in meaningful discourse with you.与您交谈颇受教益,真是太好了。Other forms of discourse have successfully been decoupled from politics.其他的话语形式已经成功地与政治分离开来。Candidates should engage in serious political discourse.候选人应该参加严肃的政治对话。We appreciate unvarnished discourse.我们赞赏有话直说。She enjoys chaste discourse.她喜欢高雅的交谈。Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.盖茨以一篇有关部署策略的鸿篇大论予以回应。The law student wrote a discourse on the relationship between crime and environment.这位法律系学生写了一篇有关犯罪与环境两者关系的论文。Science kings it over the realm of intellectual discourse nowadays.现在,知识界谈论中压倒一切的主题是科学。I heard the professor's discourse on English lexicography.我听了教授所作的关于英语辞典学的学术讲演。Of these things I shall be very prodigal in my discourse.关于这些情况我在演讲中将详加阐述。She could discourse for hours on/about almost any subject.她几乎对任何话题都能侃上几小时。It's a word that doesn't have much use in ordinary discourse. 这是个在一般谈话中不常用的词。Let us discourse beneath this tree.我们在这棵树下谈谈吧。He likes to engage in lively discourse with his visitors.他喜欢与来访者进行轻松的交谈。The lawyers enjoyed hours of leisurely discourse at their club.律师们在他们的俱乐部里享受了几小时清谈的乐趣。The Centre has a strong record of research in discourse analysis.该中心在语篇分析研究方面成果丰硕。The professor presented a lucid discourse on the art of translation.这位教授提交了一篇有关翻译技巧的条理清楚的论文。




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