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词汇 束手无策
例句 There is nothing we can do about dumping—selling goods at below production cost.对于以低于制造成本的价格销售商品的倾销问题,我们束手无策I'm at my wit's end with this problem.我对这个问题全然束手无策了。Kirk stood helpless before this giant of a man.柯克站在这个大汉面前束手无策The manager stood watching his patrons with puzzled despair.经理站着,束手无策地看着老主顾。Some students have emotional problems that teachers are ill equipped to handle.一些学生的情感问题令老师们束手无策His wife could do nothing about his monkey business at the pub.他的太太对于他在俱乐部胡闹束手无策A crowd of people looked on helplessly as the house burned to the ground.一群人束手无策地站在旁边眼看着房子被烧毁。He was stranded in Paris.他身困巴黎,束手无策Until now, doctors have been able to do very little to treat this disease.迄今为止,医生对这种疾病几乎束手无策He was transfixed by mathematics.他被数学弄得束手无策You'd better wise that young man up, he's helpless!你还是点拨点拨那年轻人吧,看他都束手无策了! The local police failed abysmally.当地警方完全束手无策He's about had it with this lousy situation.对于这种糟糕的局面他差不多束手无策了。Why has the White House lost its way on tax and budget policy?为什么白宫在税收和预算政策问题上束手无策呢?Some students have emotional problems that teachers feel ill equipped to handle.一些学生的情感问题令老师们束手无策He could do absolutely nothing.他实在是束手无策The Chancellor is boxed in by inflation targets and sterling.财政大臣被通货膨胀目标和英镑逼得束手无策




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