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词汇 discouraged
例句 Romantic relationships between staff and students are discouraged.不提倡教师和学生之间发生恋爱关系。Citizens are discouraged from taking the law into their own hands. 不鼓励公民私设公堂。I was discouraged, but I plowed on.我灰心丧气,但还是继续苦撑着。Rumours of ballot rigging discouraged many from voting.选票舞弊的传闻一传出,许多人便打消了去投票的念头。I can't endure to see/seeing you so discouraged.我不忍看到你如此颓丧。That type of behavior ought to be discouraged.那种行为应被制止。Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there.那里不再反对早婚早育。They were discouraged from visiting the park because they discomforted other visitors.他们因扰乱其他游客而被阻止进入公园。It's all too easy to get discouraged and give up.灰心丧气、轻言放弃是再容易不过的事情。Some people kept working, but most became discouraged and quit.有些人坚持工作,但大多数人心灰意冷并且放弃了。I discouraged him from borrowing money.我劝他不要借钱。Although the troubles in the financial markets have made him cautious, Reid said they haven't discouraged him.里德说,尽管金融市场的风波令他小心谨慎,但还没有让他灰心。Children are easily discouraged from reading.小孩子阅读很容易气馁。His parents discouraged him from watching too much television. 他的父母劝他不要老看电视。She tactfully discouraged their uninvited guests from staying longer.她巧妙地使这些不请自到的客人知趣儿,没有再待下去。It was the only time she had ever discouraged him from dangerous activities and she regretted it thereafter.那是她唯一一次劝他不要参加危险活动,说完以后她就后悔了。A spell of tough luck discouraged us.一阵坏运气令我们大为沮丧。The rain discouraged us from going out.雨打消了我们外出的念头。The team's losing streak has left many fans feeling hopeless and discouraged. 球队的接连失利让许多球迷感到失望和沮丧。He sounded a little discouraged.他听起来有点沮丧。There were concerns that the pricing structure discouraged competition.人们担心价格体系会妨碍竞争。Hartman was so discouraged about the way his performing career was going, that he gave up acting for writing.哈特曼对自己的演艺生涯感到非常沮丧,于是便弃演从文了。He sounded discouraged by the lack of progress in the talks.听起来他对会谈没有进展感到沮丧。I was very discouraged at the time, but I still hoped we could find a solution.当时我非常沮丧,不过我仍希望能找到解决方法。Smoking is actively discouraged in the university.该大学积极倡导不吸烟。Don't get discouraged. Learning a new language takes a lot of effort.别泄气,学习一门新的语言需要花很多精力。I was too much discouraged by this failure to try again.这一失败使我太灰心了,我不想再尝试了。Shy students are sometimes discouraged by the more talkative members of the class.腼腆的学生有时会因班上有踊跃发言的同学而欲言又止。Union activity was officially tolerated but strongly discouraged.工会活动虽经官方容许,却被强力阻挠。They discouraged her from going. 他们劝她不要去。The thought of how much work she had to do discouraged her.一想到还有那么多工作得做她就泄了气。Students may get discouraged by activities that are too advanced.过于专深的教学活动可能会使学生们失去信心。The slowness of her progress discouraged her.她进步缓慢,使她很沮丧。The complex system could have discouraged people from voting.这一复杂的系统也许会使人们不愿意去投票。If tasks are too challenging, the end result is that learners are discouraged.如果任务太具挑战性,最终结果是学习者会灰心丧气。She was determined not to be too discouraged.她决心不过于气馁。We were discouraged by their lack of enthusiasm.他们不热心,这让我们感到气馁。He keeps applying for jobs but constant rejections have discouraged him.他不断写信求职,但一次又一次的拒绝使他灰心丧气。He never let himself be discouraged by any adverse circumstances.他从不因遇到逆境而灰心丧气。Husbands are discouraged from voting as proxy for their wives.不主张丈夫代妻子投票。




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