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词汇 cereal
例句 If you buy two boxes of cereal, you'll get another box for free. 你买两盒谷类食品就可免费获赠一盒。I tasted a sample of the new cereal.我试吃了这种新麦片。Remember to close the box of cereal when you're done.用完后,记得把麦片盒子盖好。Start the day with a proper breakfast of cereal and toast.以麦片粥加吐司面包的正规早餐开始一天的活动。Fibre is found in cereal foods, beans, fruit and vegetables.谷类食品、豆类、水果和蔬菜中含有纤维素。Len recited the breakfast menu – cereal, bacon and eggs, and toast.莱恩报出早餐菜单 — 谷物食品、熏猪肉煎蛋和烤面包片。He tipped his breakfast cereal into a bowl.他把早餐麦片倒入碗中。He padded around in his socks eating cereal.他穿着袜子走来走去,一边还吃着麦片。I lived on cereal in my college years.我在大学期间主要吃谷物类食品。I have a bowl of cereal every morning.我每天早上喝一碗麦片。Some kinds of cereal have a lot of added sugar.有的谷类早餐食品添加了许多糖。Could we have something other than cereal for breakfast?早餐我们能不能不吃麦片,改吃点别的?He sweetened his cereal a little.他在麦片粥里放了一点糖。I sat at the kitchen island eating a bowl of cereal.我坐在厨房岛台边上吃着一碗麦片。The cereal is packaged in plain boxes.谷类食物用简装盒包装。Indian farmers have doubled their output of cereal crops like wheat.印度的农民已经把小麦等谷类作物的产量增加了一倍。It's become a cliché to say that presidential candidates are being marketed like bars of soap or boxes of cereal.说总统候选人像肥皂或谷类食物一样被推销出去,这已成为陈词滥调。As president of the European Council he arbitrated in an argument over cereal prices.作为欧洲议会的议长,他在谷物价格的争论中作出了仲裁。There is a high proportion of sugar in this cereal.这种谷物含糖量高。Wheat's the stuff they use to make spaghetti and cereal.小麦是他们用来做意大利通心粉和谷类食品的原料。What do you want for breakfast - cereal or toast?早餐你吃什么—谷类食物还是烤面包片?We breakfasted on cereal and toast.早餐我们吃了麦片和烤面包片。The boy dabbled with his breakfast cereal.男孩拨弄着早餐时吃的麦片粥玩。They ate a large bowlful of cereal.他们吃了一大碗麦片粥。The cereal is fat-free.这麦片是脱脂的。Wine growers say they've been held hostage to the interests of the cereal and soybean farmers.葡萄种植兼酿酒者说他们一直都为谷物和大豆种植者的利益所绑架。On a typical morning, I'll have cereal for breakfast.平常的早晨,我早饭会吃麦片。I gave the ingredients list a quick check to see if the cereal contained any sugar.我快速看了一下成分表,看看这种麦片是否含糖。Breakfast consisted of cereal, fruit, and orange juice.早餐有麦片、水果和橙汁。I've just bought a box of cereal.我刚买了一盒麦片。I ate a bowl of cereal.我喝了一碗麦片粥。The pictures on cereal boxes don’t look anything like the actual stuff you eat.麦片包装盒上的图片跟真正吃到的一点儿也不像。This cereal contains essential vitamins and minerals.这种谷类食品含有人体所必需的维生素和矿物质。I always eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast.我早餐总是吃一碗麦片。I have cereal for breakfast.我早饭吃谷类食物。Her cereal had turned to mush.她的麦片已经变成了稠稠的粥。I always buy the cheapest brand of cereal.我总买最便宜的谷类食品。The addition of fruit makes the cereal taste good.加了水果使谷类食品变得可口。Milk, cereal, juice – oh, and put lettuce on the list too.牛奶、谷类食品、果汁 — 噢,把生菜也加到单子上。This cereal is more nourishing than that one.这种谷类食品比那种更有营养。




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