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There's no such thing as a cert in horse racing.赛马中根本就没有包赢不输的马。There's no such things as a cert in horse racing.在赛马中,没有什么可以打包票。I've got a cert for the next race.下一场比赛我准赢。I think it's a cert.我认为这是必然发生的事。He's a dead cert to win an Oscar.他肯定能获得奥斯卡金像奖。He is the nearest to a dead cert that Britain has in Albertville.他是英国在阿尔贝维尔冬奥会上最有希望夺取金牌的选手。He's a dead cert for player of the year.他绝对是年度最佳运动员。I think that a tax increase is a dead cert.我认为提高税率是肯定要发生的事。I'm betting on Sceptre. He's a dead cert to win the Gold Cup.我把赌注下在权杖身上,它肯定会赢得金杯马赛。Anthony was a dead cert for promotion.安东尼肯定会得到提拔,那是板上钉钉的事儿。They had guessed for a cert where he was.他们已确切无疑地推测到他的下落。Put your money on Thorpe to win, he's a dead cert.你押索普获胜,它肯定能赢。 |