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词汇 discharged
例句 He was discharged after an examination at Westminster Hospital.威斯敏斯特医院在对他进行检查后就让他出院了。The workers have been illegally discharged.那些工人被非法解雇了。He was transferred stateside, and then discharged.他被调到美国那边,然后被解雇了。The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it, untreated, into the harbour.污水和暴雨径流汇入下水道后被直接排入海港。She was formally discharged by the court.她被法庭正式释放。The mercury had been discharged from a local chemical plant.水银已从当地一家化工厂排出。Thousands of soldiers were discharged after the war.战后,成千上万的士兵被遣散。The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.所产生的盐水将被排入大海。All authority was vested in the woman, who discharged every kind of public duty.女性被赋予了所有权力,履行所有公共职责。More than half of all prisoners discharged are reconvicted within two years.在获释的犯人中有一半多在两年内又被再次判刑。We discharged the cargo at the port.我们在那个口岸卸下货物。He discharged his promise to work directly with the poor.他履行了直接与穷人一起工作的诺言。A soldier accidentally discharged his weapon.一名士兵不小心枪走了火。The judge found him not guilty and discharged him.法官宣判他无罪,把他释放了。Several of the recruits were discharged from the Army due to medical problems.几名新兵因有健康问题而被命令退伍了。Judge Richard Groves discharged the jury after it had failed to reach a verdict.理查德・格罗夫斯法官因为陪审团未能作出裁定而将其解散。He discharged himself from hospital against the advice of doctors.他不顾医生的劝告自行出院了。He couldn't bear to stay in the ward a moment longer and discharged himself.他在病房里一刻也多待不了,于是就擅自出院了。Mr Givens was discharged from the committee and replaced by Mr Benton.吉文斯先生被解除在委员会的职务,由本顿先生接任。It has something to do with the way the batteries are charged and discharged during use.问题与使用过程中的充电和放电方式有关。After three days Marie was still in discomfort, but well enough to be discharged.三天后玛丽仍然觉得不舒服,但已经可以出院了。The child was taken to hospital but was later discharged.这个小孩被送到了医院,但后来出院了。Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling.弗拉维尔不小心扳动了一把手枪的扳机,子弹射入了天花板。My brother was discharged from hospital last week.我兄弟上周出院。The company illegally discharged several union organizers.公司非法开除了几名工会组织者。He was discharged from the army after having malaria three times.他得了三次疟疾后复员回家。Large amounts of dangerous waste are discharged daily by the factory.这个工厂每天排放大量的危险性废物。The dockers discharged a ship.码头工人卸下了船上的货物。They discharged the cargo at Hong Kong.他们在香港卸了货。The police officer accidentally discharged a firearm while unloading it.警官在给枪退弹时不小心走了火。Dunning was conditionally discharged for two years.邓宁被有条件释放两年。He has a broken nose but may be discharged today.他鼻梁断了,但或许今天就能出院。The gamekeeper's gun discharged as we climbed over the wall.我们翻墙时,猎场看守人的枪响了。He admitted possession of drugs and was discharged.他承认持有毒品,然后被释放了。There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged.污水排放之前应该进行更充分的处理。He was readmitted soon after being discharged.他出院后不久又再次住院。The manager was discharged for inefficiency.经理因无能而被解雇。He was honorably discharged from the service.他光荣地退伍了。He was later discharged after an examination at Westminster Hospital.在威斯敏斯特医院进行了一次诊察后他就出院了。Raw sewage was discharged from the treatment plant directly into the river.未经处理的污水从处理厂直接排入河中。




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