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词汇 颇具
例句 The speaker has a good deal of stage presence.这位演讲者颇具台风。He is no stranger to controversy.他是个颇具争议的人物。It was an eventful and controversial race.这是一场充满变数而且颇具争议的比赛。We have a wide range of vehicles available for hire at competitive rates.我们有多种类型的交通工具出租,价格也颇具竞争力。The state has dramatically overreacted to the use of soft drugs.这个州对吸食软性毒品作出了颇具戏剧性的过激反应。She has a lot of comedic talent.颇具喜剧天赋。Weary of her rival's accusations, the candidate bit back with an aggressive ad campaign.厌烦了对手的指责,这个候选人以颇具攻击性的广告宣传活动进行了反击。Sarcasm can become a sledgehammer in a debate.讽刺挖苦在辩论中可以颇具威力。He was a rather fatherly figure.他是一个颇具慈父风范的人。The seminar also promises to be most instructive.这次研讨会可能会颇具启发性。The family is very posh.这个家族颇具上流社会的做派。He has a flair for design.颇具设计天赋。The government brought in a controversial law.政府推行了一项颇具争议的法规。I must ask a question you may find unpardonable.我必须要问一个你可能觉得颇具冒犯性的问题。The West has gradually relaxed its hostile attitude to this influential state.西方对这个颇具影响力的国家的敌视态度已逐渐缓和。The company's controversial workplace policies had resulted in a long list of aggrieved parties.该公司颇具争议的工作场所规定已经侵害了不少人的权利。Gray's book is anecdotal and entertaining.格雷的书中尽是些八卦消息,颇具娱乐性。While it will be fun, the seminar also promises to be most instructive.这次的研讨会不仅会有趣,而且有可能会颇具启发意义。The design for the building shows a great deal of originality.这座建筑物的设计颇具独创性。Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.我们的产品在质量、可靠性,尤其是品种方面颇具竞争力。The more miraculous parts of this account should be taken with a pinch of salt.对这篇记述中那些颇具神奇色彩的部分也不应全信。I think it's wise to avoid such a highly contentious topic/issue at a dinner party.我认为在宴会上避开这样一个颇具争议的话题/问题是明智的。He had a real sense of fairness and hated injustice.颇具正义感,憎恶不公平现象。Our products are competitively priced.我们的产品价格颇具竞争力。There was an appealing gravity to everything she said.她说的每句话都带有一种颇具感染力的庄严。Although she was not a professional politician, her views were influential in shaping government policy.虽然她并不是职业政治家,但其观点在政府制定政策的过程中仍颇具影响力。He has a talent for recollection and anecdote.他在记忆力和讲述趣闻轶事方面颇具天赋。He has a military bearing, never failing to carry himself erect.他举手投足颇具军人风范,腰板总是挺得笔直。The show always featured an impressive list of guest stars.这个节目总是列出一份颇具冲击力的特约明星的名单。She's not feminist with a capital F but she's fairly controversial.她不是个真正意义上的女权主义者,但却是个颇具争议的人物。He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.他个性强,颇具洞察力与外交手腕。The Duke's study was very masculine, with deep red wall-covering and dark oak shelving.公爵的书房颇具阳刚气,深红色墙纸,深色的橡木搁板。She has a very masculine face.她有着一张颇具阳刚之气的脸庞。His portrayal of Joe's childhood joys and confusions is acutely drawn.他对乔童年所经历的各种乐事和困惑的描述颇具洞察力。Later he became a man of substance.后来,他成为颇具资产的人。She has an infectious grin.她那咧嘴一笑颇具感染力。Cricket is so peculiarly English.板球是颇具英国特色的运动。He had an attractive personality and a pleasant smile.颇具人格魅力,笑容讨人喜欢。He got/was flamed for expressing a controversial political opinion on the Internet.他在网上发表了颇具争议的政治观点,因此有人写电子邮件辱骂他。She was an economist of considerable standing.她是一位颇具声誉的经济学家。




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