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There's been a lot of controversy about the nominee to the Supreme Court.人们对于最高法院任职者的提名有颇多争议。Thorough lesson planning always pays dividends.仔细备课通常好处颇多。The preparations for the wedding were fraught with difficulties, but finally everything went well.婚礼的准备工作中困难颇多,但最后一切都很顺利。The artist found much to his profit in the Louvre.这位艺术家从卢浮宫受益颇多。He's an athlete with many physical gifts. 他是一名有颇多体育天赋的运动员。His report is highly critical of the trial judge.他在报告中对主审法官有颇多批评。The causes of anorexia are much debated.关于厌食的起因存在颇多争论。Germany beat Sweden 5-3 in a thrilling World Cup qualifying goal fest. 这场惊心动魄的世界杯预选赛中进球颇多,最后德国以五比三打败瑞典。He knows about cars.他对汽车了解颇多。There has been a great deal of speculation about the Prime Minister's resignation.最近有关首相辞职的臆测颇多。Mr Lee contributed a great deal to the research.李先生对这项研究贡献颇多。 |