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词汇 disabled
例句 Most disabled students are integrated into the mainstream educational system.大部分残障学生都融入了主流的教育体系。Jerry Lewis is out there all the time raising money for disabled kids.杰里·刘易斯总是在那里为残疾孩子募捐。The tank's navigational system had been disabled during a grenade attack.坦克的导航系统被手榴弹炸坏了。The group continues to campaign for the rights of disabled people, chipping away at old prejudices.该团体继续发起为残障人士争取权利的运动,逐渐地铲除陈旧的偏见。Pensioners and disabled people get special concessions on buses and trains.领取退休金的人士和残疾人士乘坐公共汽车和火车有优惠。It's not PC to describe people as disabled.说别人残废有歧视之嫌。All disabled athletes want is a seat at the discussion table.残疾运动员们所想要的只是参与讨论的权利。There are toilet facilities for the disabled.有残疾人士专用的卫生间设施。The reforms are motivated by a genuine concern for the disabled.这些改革是出自于对残疾人真正的关心。The accident has left Hanson permanently disabled.这次事故使汉森终身残疾。The accident left him severely disabled.那次事故致使他严重残疾。He is disabled from voting.他失去了选举资格。The new policies fail to accommodate the disabled.新政策没有照顾到残疾人的利益。The new law has been criticized by groups representing disabled people.这项新法规遭到代表残疾人士的团体的批评。Caring for a disabled child is a time-consuming, but ultimately rewarding, job.护理残疾的儿童很耗时间,但总的来说还是很有意义的工作。The organization is working to protect the rights of disabled veterans.这个组织致力于保护伤残退伍军人的权利。Laws have got to be tougher to stop discrimination against the disabled.法律必须更加强硬一些,以制止歧视残障人士。The boats are specially built for the disabled.这些船是专门为残疾人制造的。Treating disabled people like children only reinforces negative images of disability.像对待儿童那样对待残疾人只会强化残疾人在人们心目中的负面形象。The team has had to place several key players on the disabled list.这个队不得不将几名主力队员列入伤病运动员名单。The disabled ship coasted the island, looking for a harbour to make repairs.那艘损坏的船在海岛沿岸航行,找寻港口进行修理。This film tells the remarkable story of a disabled actor.这部电影讲述了一位残疾演员不平凡的故事。She risked her own life to help a disabled woman.她冒着生命危险去帮助一个残疾妇女。You can get special help if somebody's disabled.残疾人可以得到特殊的帮助。We planned the building very carefully with special facilities for the disabled.我们精心设计这幢建筑,并为残疾人士添置特殊的设施。He was given an award for his services to the disabled.他因帮助残疾人受到嘉奖。He was disabled by the accident.他由于意外事故而残废了。There are parking restrictions with exemptions for disabled drivers.停车有限制,但残疾司机无须遵守。No parking is allowed, but an exception is made for disabled drivers.此处禁止停车,但对残疾驾车者例外。She was disabled in the accident.她在那次事故中致残。Many disabled people suffer from unjustified discrimination when they apply for jobs.许多残障人士在求职时遭到无端的歧视。Her son is disabled and she has to take care of him all the time.她儿子有残疾,她只好整天照料他。Just as the emotional needs of the mentally disabled are overlooked, so too are their spiritual needs.就如精神有问题者的情感需求被忽视一样,他们心灵上的需要同样也遭到忽视。Many disabled people suffer discrimination at work.许多残疾人在工作中遭到歧视。They have adapted their house so they can look after their disabled son more easily.他们把房子的结构作了一下改动,这样照顾起他们那个有残疾的儿子来能更容易一些。Our main objective is to help disabled people lead independent lives within the community.我们的主要目标是帮助社区内的残疾人过独立自主的生活。You'd be wrong in thinking we don't encourage disabled students to come to the college.如果你认为我们不鼓励残疾学生上大学,那你就错了。The teacher showed particular concern for the disabled child.老师特别关心那个残疾儿童。It is important to challenge society's preconceptions about disabled people.反对社会对残疾人抱有成见极为重要。Social security guarantees an income to retired and disabled workers.社会保险保障了退休和残疾工人的收入。




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