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词汇 dime
例句 The bug was about the size of a dime.这虫子大约有一角硬币那么大。A dime is a tenth of a dollar.一角银币是十分之一美元。Beautiful actresses are a dime a dozen.漂亮的女演员有的是。A dime is the equivalent of two nickels.一角硬币等于两个五分镍币。He reached into his pocket for a dime.他把手伸进衣袋去掏一角硬币。Josh took a mint and flipped it into his mouth like a dime.乔希拿了一颗薄荷糖,像扔一角硬币一样把它扔进嘴里。A dime is equal to 10 cents.一角的硬币相当于十美分。The high-tech steering means that even huge tractors can turn on a dime.高科技转向装置使巨大的拖拉机也可以在极小的空间内转弯。I pressed a dime into his grubby mitt.我把一个十分硬币塞进他脏兮兮的手里。Can you give me a dime for two nickels?你能给我把一角钱兑换成两个五分币吗? Come to my party. It won't cost a dime. = It won't cost you a penny.来参加我的派对吧,免费的。Books like this are a dime a dozen.这样的书到处都是。An old guy come up to me in the street and asked for a dime for coffee.在街上有个老家伙走到我面前,求我给他一角钱买咖啡。·A dime store sells notions.廉价商店出售日用小商品。He snitched a dime from the kid next door.他从邻家的小孩那儿偷了枚一角硬币。Jobs like this are a dime a dozen.这种工作不稀罕。My new car can stop on a dime.我的新车刹车很灵。I have not taken one dime of his money.我没拿他一毛钱。They regarded him as just another dime-store philosopher.他们只是把他看作是又一个二流哲学家。The rebellious granddaughter was cut off without a dime.忤逆的孙女被剥夺了继承权。Business consultants are a dime a dozen here.商业顾问在这儿根本不稀罕。He left a measly dime for a tip.他只留下了微不足道的一角硬币作为小费。PhDs are a dime a dozen nowadays .如今哲学博士学位不值钱了。He took a dime from his pocket.他从兜里掏出一角硬币。




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