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词汇 受害人
例句 The governor issued a statement of condolence to the victims' families.州长向受害人家属致以慰唁。The victim was pronounced dead on arrival.受害人送到时被宣布死亡。The victim's face was blotted out by a camera blur.受害人的脸被镜头模糊处理遮住了。Out of consideration for the victim's family, no photos will be shown.考虑到受害人家属的感受,将不会公开任何照片。The injured party got some compensation.受害人得到了一些赔偿。The criminals extorted large sums of money from their victims.这些罪犯从受害人那里敲诈到了大宗钱款。Witnesses say the argument started after a careless remark about the victim's wife.证人们说争吵是由受害人妻子的一句轻率的话引起的。The police think that the robbers shadowed their victims for days before the crime.警方认为抢劫者跟踪了受害人几天之后才实施犯罪的。The victim uttered anguished cries.受害人发出痛苦的呼喊。Dudley was the victim of a violent mugging.达德利是一桩暴力抢劫案的受害人There is no recourse available to the victim.受害人无处可获得帮助。The victim suffered serious bodily injury/harm.受害人身受重伤。Certain personality traits make people more likely to become victims of violent crime.某些人格特点使人容易成为暴力罪案的受害人He stalks his victims like a hunter after a deer.他像猎手跟踪鹿一样悄悄跟踪受害人The police managed to piece together the jigsaw and reconstruct the victim's last hours.警方成功地将线索拼在一起,重现了受害人生前最后几个小时的情景。The victim was smothered to death.受害人被窒息致死。When the attack took place, there were no victim support schemes.当袭击发生后,没有任何援助受害人的方案。The victim's best friend, Joanne, is convinced the killer is local.受害人最要好的朋友乔安妮确信凶手是本地人。He is said to have stifled his victim with a pillow.据说他用枕头闷死了受害人The victim was unresponsive when police arrived.警察赶到时受害人已经不能做出反应了。The WPC talked yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim.昨天,这名女警谈到自己在诱导年轻的受害人说出重要信息的过程中所起的作用。He took secret pictures of his unknowing victims.他在那些受害人未觉察的情况下偷拍了他们。The victim's attacker was unknown to her.受害人不认识袭击她的人。He made a valiant attempt to rescue the struggling victim.他勇敢地去营救那正在挣扎的受害人The victim picked out her attacker in an identity parade.受害人从指认队列中认出了袭击她的人。The identity of the criminal/victim is not known.罪犯/受害人的身份不明。Our aim is to help victims of crime.我们的目标是帮助犯罪事件的受害人The victim's identity remains a mystery.受害人身份仍是个谜。The police received training in how to deal with families of crime victims.警察接受了如何对待罪案受害人家属的培训。The victim was found with a knife sticking out of her back.受害人被发现时背上插着一把刀。The judge reduced the amount of money awarded to the victim.法官减少了补偿给受害人的款额。Victims of crime are encouraged to confront their emotions.罪案受害人受到鼓励去直面自己的情感。The program was grossly insensitive to Holocaust victims.这个节目悍然不顾大屠杀中受害人的感受。He took a running kick at the victim's head.他对着受害人的头部来了个跑踢。The victims were slain in their homes.受害人是在他们的家中被杀的。Middle-class victims of crime are more inclined to contact the police.中产阶级的罪案受害人更倾向于与警察联系。In the TV interview, they blacked out the victim's face.在电视采访中,他们遮挡住了受害人的脸部。Victims of burglaries often feel personally violated.入室盗窃的受害人往往觉得自己受到了人身侵犯。The victim was able to put up little resistance.受害人没什么抵抗能力。The victim had been stabbed six times.受害人被捅了六刀。




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