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词汇 受审
例句 He is in the dock, accused of murder.他被控犯有谋杀罪而受审He appeared at Manchester Crown Court on Thursday on a drink-driving charge.他因被控醉酒驾车而于周四在曼彻斯特的刑事法庭受审He faces trial on extortion charges.他将因被指控敲诈而受审The show uses Zondo's trial and execution as its framework.这部戏以桑多的受审和被处决作为基本框架。Tomorrow they will be brought before a judge.明天他们会被带到法官面前受审She will stand/face trial for murder. 她将以谋杀罪受审His trial revived memories of French suffering during the war.他的受审重新勾起了在战争中受苦受难的法国人民的回忆。Fleming was flown to Washington and tried for treason.弗莱明被飞机送往华盛顿,并因叛国罪受审He is on trial for murder.他因涉嫌谋杀而受审People with previous convictions are always at a disadvantage when on trial in a court of law.在法庭受审时,有前科的人总是处于不利地位。The accused was ordered to stand trial on a number of charges.勒令被告为数项指控受审He is on trial for allegedly accepting kickbacks from business.他因遭指控收取企业的巨额回扣而受审George has been had up for not paying maintenance to his ex-wife.乔治因没有支付前妻的赡养费而被法庭受审The case was tried in two jurisdictional district courts.这个案件在两个不同的管辖区法院受审Gein did not stand trial but lived out his days in a mental asylum.盖因没有受审,但在一家精神病院度过了余生。Two skinheads were put on trial for those murders last week.上周两个光头党成员因为那几宗谋杀案而被带上法庭受审He came before a judge, accused of stealing.他被指控行窃而带到法官面前受审As he was only thirteen years old, his case can only be tried by the juvenile court.因为他只有十三岁,他的案子只能在少年法庭中受审Her lawyers have made a formal request that she be allowed to stay in the country until her husband's trial.她的律师已提出正式要求,允许她留在国内等到丈夫受审完毕。He was hauled before the court on a charge of drunken driving.他被指控酒后开车而被送上法庭受审The thief was brought before the magistrate.窃贼被带到地方法官前受审The letters that were shown during his trial turned out to be forgeries.在他受审期间出示的信件结果证明是伪造的。He was arrested but not brought to trial. 他被逮捕了,但是没有送交法庭受审He is expected to be committed for trial at Liverpool Crown Court.预计他会被移交利物浦刑事法庭受审He was on trial for allegedly obstructing an investigation into the bank's dealings.他因涉嫌妨碍对银行交易的调查而受审The defendant was declared unfit for trial.被告被宣布不宜受审He should be tried at the International Court in the Hague.他应该在海牙国际法庭受审The general and his cronies are now awaiting trial for drug smuggling.将军和他的亲信因走私毒品目前正在等待受审The suspect will be tried within the next few weeks.嫌犯将在未来几周内受审He must stand trial on seven counts of lewd acts upon a minor.他会因猥亵一名未成年人而以七项罪名受审They showed no repentance during their trial.在他们受审的过程中没有表现出一丝悔意。She was on trial on charges of drug possession. = She went on trial for possession of drugs.她因持有毒品而受审A month after the murder, a man was arrested by police and put on trial.凶案发生一个月后,一名男子遭警方逮捕并被送上法庭受审Two men will appear before Birmingham magistrates' court today charged with possession of arms with intent to endanger life.两名男子今天将在伯明翰地方法庭受审,他们被控持有武器,企图危害他人生命。The prisoner was extradited across state lines.这名犯人被引渡到其他州受审Brady stood trial for the killings late last year.去年晚些时候,布雷迪因这几宗谋杀案而受审I cannot rest until this killer is brought to justice.只要这个杀人者还没归案受审,我就不能停止行动。The accused terrorists are awaiting extradition.这些受到指控的恐怖分子在等候引渡受审He is on trial for accepting kickbacks from business moguls to build his slush fund.他因从商业巨头那里接受大笔贿赂建立自己的黑金库而受审He was up before the magistrates' court charged with dangerous driving.他被控犯有危险驾驶罪而在地方治安法庭受审




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