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词汇 differing
例句 The students had widely differing interpretations of the poem.学生们对这首诗有很多不同的阐释。We have sharply differing views.我们的观点截然不同。Ben and I have widely differing views on this issue.我和本在这个问题上的看法大相径庭。The language has widely differing and often mutually incomprehensible regional dialects.这种语言的各种方言差异巨大,相互间往往难以听懂。That organization embraces persons of differing political stands.那个组织里有不同政治立场的人。The Hindu religion encompasses many widely differing forms of worship.印度教中包括有许多截然不同的崇拜形式。My disagreement with Geoff reflects our differing views on this issue.我与杰夫的分歧表明我们在这个问题上的观点不同。If ever a dance company could unite the differing worlds of rock and ballet, the Joffrey Ballet is it.如果有哪个歌舞团能把芭蕾和摇滚融合在一起的话,那这个歌舞团就是乔弗利芭蕾舞团。Changes were made for the accommodation of differing viewpoints.为了协调不同的观点而做出了一些改变。There have been widely differing versions in the newspapers about the prison siege.关于围攻监狱一事,各家报纸众说纷纭,莫衷一是。Experts hold widely differing views on this subject.关于这一话题,专家众说纷纭。You should not be judgmental about people and their differing sexualities.你不应对别人以及他们不同的性取向品头论足。The dispute is based on two widely differing interpretations of the law.争论是源于对法律的两种截然不同的解释。You should not be judgemental about people and their differing sexualities.你不应对别人以及他们不同的性取向品头论足。Survivors sustained injuries with differing degrees of severity.幸存者都受到不同严重程度的伤害。There are widely differing views among community leaders on how best to deal with the homeless issue.社区领导人对于如何妥善处理无家可归者问题分歧很大。The group acknowledged that the parting of the ways was a result of differing opinions concerning the strategic focus of their business.该团体承认分道扬镳是他们对生意上战略重点的不同意见造成的。The statement added that although there were a number of differing views, these would be discussed by both sides.这项声明还称,虽然双方观点存在若干分歧,但将就这些分歧展开讨论。A lot of painkillers are basically the same, differing only in cost.许多止痛药都大同小异,只是价格上有差别罢了。We aim to satisfy the differing needs of our customers.我们力求满足顾客的不同需要。




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