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词汇 allegations
例句 Thomas could offer no support for his allegations.托马斯提供不出任何证据来证实自己的指控。He was determined to counter the bribery allegations.他决心要反驳受贿的指控。At first, the administration denied the allegations.起初,政府否认了这些说法。Evidence from independent witnesses did not substantiate the allegations of the accuser.独立证人所提供的证据并不能证明原告的指控。We're absolutely appalled that the newspapers can freely make allegations about this company.我们感到大为震惊,报纸竟然可以随意捏造事实指控本公司。The chairman resigned following the allegations.在受到指控后,主席辞职了。The minister has refused to comment on the allegations.部长拒绝对指控作出评论。Quite a lot of allegations of misjustice are spurious.有关不公正的指控有不少是毫无根据的。Police are investigating allegations of corruption involving senior executives.警方正在调查对高级管理人员涉嫌贪污的指控。He defended his wife against rumours and allegations.针对谣言和指控他为妻子进行了辩护。She refuted the allegations against her.她驳斥了对她的指控。The newspaper made several allegations, none of which turned out to be true.这家报纸几度指控别人,但没有一次说的是事实。He resigned amid allegations of financial impropriety.他在财务作假的质疑声中辞职了。The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging.自从出现了选举舞弊的指控之后,投票结果受到了广泛质疑。Some serious allegations have been levelled against the chairman.对董事长提出了一些严重指控。Several female students have made allegations of abuse against him.几个女学生已控告他性侵犯。The council chief was suspended over allegations of jobs for the boys.政务委员会主席因被指责任人唯亲而遭停职。The allegations were never properly investigated.那些指控从未得到彻底调查。He made allegations that Britons often feign illness to skive off work.他声称英国人常常装病逃避工作。He has resigned amid corruption allegations.他在腐败的指控声中辞职了。These are serious allegations. Do you have any evidence to support them?这些指控非同小可,你有证据可以证明你的话吗?He will need to counter allegations that he accepted money from criminals.他需要对他曾接受过罪犯贿赂的指控加以反驳。These allegations are very damaging.这些指控极具负面影响。It's tempting to dismiss these allegations out of hand.人们很想断然驳斥这些说法。They read their daughter's allegations in the newspaper.他们从报纸上看到了女儿的说法。New allegations brought interest in the scandal to a fever pitch.新指控使人们对那桩丑闻关注的空前高涨。The Foreign Office in London has expressed surprise at these allegations.位于伦敦的英国外交部对这些说法表示惊讶。He was adamant that the allegations were untrue, so I took him on trust.他坚持认为那些指控不属实,因此我也完全相信他。He reports on allegations that...他缺乏根据地报道说…She took the offensive, challenging her critics to prove their allegations.她先发制人,要求批评她的人证明他们的指控。He has publicly denied the allegations.他公开否认了那些指控。An independent investigator will be brought in to look at the allegations.将引进一个独立调查人来调查这些指控。Although he was on home ground, his campaign had been rocked by adultery allegations.虽然是在自己家乡,他的竞选活动还是因私通指控受到了冲击。There were only one or two serious allegations of malpractice.只有一两起有关营私舞弊的严重指控。He faces allegations of professional misconduct.他面临玩忽职守的指控。The case was brought by his family, who say their reputation has been damaged by allegations about him.案件诉讼是由他家人提起的,声称有关他的指控损害了他们的名誉。The chairman of the company issued a denial of the allegations.公司董事长否认了这些指控。The governor of the prison is investigating allegations that a prisoner was attacked and beaten by a prison warden.典狱长正在调查一位监狱看守攻击和殴打一名犯人的指控。In an awkward press conference, Mr King parried questions on the allegations.在一场尴尬的新闻发布会上,金先生回避了有关指控的问题。There is no substance in any of these allegations.这些指控全都毫无根据。




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