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例句 Dan detected a change in her mood.丹发现她的情绪有所变化。A small tuber was detected in her armpit.发现她腋下有个小结节。A build-up of strain on a section of the San Andreas Fault has been detected.已经勘测到圣安德烈亚斯断层的其中一处所承受的拉力在增强。High levels of lead were detected in the atmosphere.经检测发现大气中铅的含量很高。The doctor detected an anomaly in my heartbeat.医生发现我心跳异常。The test detected minute amounts of contamination.这次测试检测出微量污染。Some sounds cannot be detected by the human ear.有些声音是人的耳朵无法察觉到的。He detected a ship moving down the starboard side of the submarine.他发现有一艘船正在潜艇的右侧航行。I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks.我察觉他的话中带有一点恶意。Some substances can be detected fairly easily.有些物质可以相当容易地检测出来。I detected a tinge of envy in her tone.我觉察出她的语气中有一丝嫉妒。I detected a touch of sarcasm in his remarks.我察觉到他的话中有一丝讥讽的味道。The detected material is very dangerous.这种被检测到的物质非常危险。They detected high levels of radon gas in the building.他们测出这座建筑物内氡气含量非常高。They hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.他们假定各星系必然含有大量无法探测到的失踪物质。I thought I detected a hint of irony in her words.我觉得我听出她的话中有讽刺口气。This form of cancer is survivable if it's detected early.若发现得早,这种癌症是可以治愈的。We detected signs that they were less than enthusiastic about their honeymoon.我们觉察到他们对度蜜月丝毫不热心。Many serious illnesses can be nipped in the bud if they are detected early enough.如果及早确诊,许多恶疾可以治愈。The approaching planes were detected by radar.正在靠近的几架飞机被雷达发现了。She wasn't moving or responding, but he detected a slow heartbeat.她不动,也没有反应,但是他感觉到有慢慢的心跳。I detected a subtle shift towards / toward our point of view.我察觉到了一丝倾向赞同我方所持观点的细微变化。As she walked into the house she detected the smell of gas.她一进屋就闻到有煤气味。Any escape, once it's detected, sets off the alarm.一旦发现有泄漏,警报就会响起来。I detected a strong taste of ginger in the sauce.我发现酱汁中有浓烈的姜味。Kenworthy detected a certain flatness in the days that followed.肯沃西发现接下来的几天有些无聊。I thought I detected a little hostility in his voice.我觉得我听出他的语气里有一丝敌意。Mark detected a smirk on the clerk's face.马克发现那个店员的脸上带着一丝讥笑。He detected several imperfections in the surface of the jewel.他在这件珠宝的表面发现了几处瑕疵。If the disease is detected early, it has a cure.如果早点发现,这病是可以医治的。Traces of banned substances were detected in his bloodstream.在他的血液中检测出了违禁物质的成分。It was only detected hours before its closest approach.它在达到最接近点之前几个小时才被检测到。They detected high concentrations of pollutants in the water.他们检测到水中污染物的含量很高。The disease was detected during a routine check-up.这个病是在例行体检时查出来的。Enemy aircraft were detected by our radar.敌机被我方雷达发现。I detected a falter in her voice.我察觉她的嗓音发颤。Bacteria can be detected histologically on sections of tissue that have been stained.在经过染色的组织学切片上,细菌可以被识别出来。Marlowe detected a faint smell of perfume as he entered the room.马洛走进房间时闻到了隐隐约约的香水味。I detected the subtle signs of disapproval.我觉察到一些微妙的征兆,有人可能会反对。The spotlights go on automatically when an intruder is detected in the garden.当探测到有人闯入花园时,聚光灯会自动打开。




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