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词汇 watch in
例句 They watched in horror as the aircraft crashed to the ground.他们看着飞机坠毁在地面上,惊骇莫名。We have tornado watches in effect for a lot of Florida.我们对佛罗里达州很多地区的龙卷风实施监控。The children watched in fascination.孩子们看得津津有味。They watched in anguish as fire spread through the house.他们绝望地看着火势蔓延至整座房子。The children watched in wonderment as the circus began.马戏表演开始时孩子们惊奇地观看着。She watched in fascination as the cat pounced on the mouse.猫猛扑向老鼠,她看得入了迷。I watched in horrified fascination.我又着迷又惊恐地观看着。Staff watched in horror as he set himself alight.他自焚时员工们惊恐地看着。The crowd watched in amazement as the magician performed his tricks.大伙儿惊奇地看着魔术师表演魔术。The crowd watched in horror as the fire spread.群众惊恐地看着火势蔓延。I've put my gold watch in soak.我把我的金表当了。To get the dough I'll put my watch in hock.为了搞到钱我要把表当掉。She watched in astonishment as he smashed the machine to pieces.她吃惊地看着他把机器砸成碎片。The nurse watched in front of the sick man's bed for many nights.护士在这病人床前守候好几夜了。They watched in uneasy silence.他们不安地静静看着。We all watched in silent embarrassment as Mr Rogers started to cry.罗杰斯先生哭了起来,我们都尴尬地默然看着。The astounded audience watched in amazement.惊愕的观众们看得目瞪口呆。Spectators watched in horror as the aircraft plunged to the ground.旁观者惊恐地看着飞机栽到地面。Mel watched in admiration as the goalkeeper leaped for the ball.梅尔满怀敬意地看着守门员飞身朝球扑去。A crowd watched in astonishment as he jumped from the bridge.他从桥上纵身跳下时,一群人惊讶地在旁围观。There's still a flood watch in effect across much of southwestern Ohio.在俄亥俄州西南部的大部分地区仍在进行着洪水监测。He was presented with a gold watch in recognition of his service to the company.他获授一枚金表,以嘉奖他为公司效力。We all watched in utter amazement.我们都万分惊讶地看着。The crowd watched in horror as the plane hit the ground and burst into flames.人群惊恐地看着飞机撞到地上烧成一团火。There are tornado watches in effect all across eastern Alabama.整个亚拉巴马州东部都发布了龙卷风预警。TV viewers watched in horror as events unfolded.事件渐渐展开,电视观众看得心惊肉跳。We watched in amazement as the magician made all the rings disappear.我们惊奇地看着魔术师把所有的戒指都变走了。They could only watch in silence as their possessions were taken away.他们只能眼睁睁地看着自己的财物被拿走。He kept a watch in his breast pocket.他在胸前口袋里放着一只表。Spectators in the crowd watched in horror as the plane nosedived.观众惊恐地看着飞机俯冲下来。We watched in horror as they pulled the bodies from the wreckage.我们惊恐地看着他们把尸体从残骸中拖了出来。We watched in awe as the building collapsed.我们惊恐地看着这栋楼倒塌。They watched in dismay as the house burned.房子着火时,他们沮丧地看着。As I watched in horror the boat began to power away from me.我惊恐万分地看着船加足马力从我身边开走了。We sat and watched in awed silence as she performed.她表演的时候,我们充满敬畏地静坐观看。She watched in satisfaction as he opened the present.她满足地看着他打开礼物。Apart from two men on watch in the engine-room, everyone was asleep.除了两个人在机房值班外,其他人都在睡觉。We could only watch in disbelief as the car rolled into the water.我们只能难以置信地眼睁睁看着汽车翻入水里。




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