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词汇 watches
例句 He denied having seen these watches before.他否认曾经见过这些手表。The hotel was full of rich people strutting around in fur coats and Rolex watches.酒店里到处都是有钱人,他们穿着毛皮大衣、戴着劳力士手表,神气活现地走来走去。Quartz watches don't need winding.石英表不需要上弦。I don't like those watches that keep beeping every hour.我不喜欢那些一到整点就嘀嘀响的手表。She watches bowling on TV.她在电视上看保龄球比赛。We'd better synchronize our watches if we all want to be there at the same time.如果我们大家想在同一时间到达那里,最好把表对一下。The police officer's partner always watches his back.那名警官的同伴总在保护他。The astronomer measures mean time and meantime watches several instruments.天文学家测定平太阳时,同时对一些仪器进行观察。Where did you get all those watches? Did you knock them over?你从哪里搞来那些手表?偷来的吗?The thief was caught on video as he pocketed watches and rings.窃贼偷手表和戒指的过程都被拍摄了下来。These watches also have all the frills and features.这些手表也有花里胡哨的装饰和天花乱坠的性能。She watches TV when she is alone.独自一人时,她便看电视。Quartz watches are very accurate.石英表走得很准。He stole watches and fenced them on the street.他偷了手表,然后在街上销赃。We have a caretaker who watches the place for us while we are away.我们不在的期间会有看守人来看管这个地方。She watches the kids for us occasionally.她偶尔会替我们照看孩子。The director watches the dailies every evening.导演每天晚上审查样片。Let's synchronize our watches.我们对一下表吧。She watches for her school bus from inside her house.她在家里等校车。The shepherd watches over his flock.牧羊人照管他的羊群。She watches him plane the surface of a walnut board.她看着他刨平一块胡桃木板。That night they posted watches.他们那天晚上站岗。On average he watches three movies a week.他平均每周看三次电影。He spends his time taking apart old clocks and watches.他的时间就用来拆旧的钟表。The lifeguard watches the swimmers from her perch.女救生员坐在高处,注视着游泳的人们。He watches the news on television every evening to keep abreast of current events.他每晚看电视新闻,以随时了解时事动态。He is a compulsive saver who always watches his spending.他是一个有强迫性存款欲的储户,一向严格控制自己的开销。They were selling fake Rolex watches on the street.他们在大街上兜售假劳力士手表。The storeowner watches those teenagers like a hawk whenever they come in because she's afraid they're going to steal something.每当那些十几岁的青少年走进商店,女店主就死死地盯着他们,因为她担心这些人会偷东西。Switzerland is a big exporter of watches.瑞士是手表出口大国。There are tornado watches in effect all across eastern Alabama.整个亚拉巴马州东部都发布了龙卷风预警。Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article.仿造的名表以远低于真品的价格出售。He's the kind of person who watches a movie and then dissects it for hours.他是那种看完电影还要仔细分析上好几个小时的人。He noticed expensive foreign-made watches on every wrist.他注意到每人腕上都戴有昂贵的外国制造的手表。They were selling fake Rolex watches on the market stall.他们正在市场摊位上出售假冒的劳力士手表。She watches that programme religiously.她专注地看着节目。He watches the older kids, just taking it all in.他看着大一点的孩子,把一切都记在了心里。No less a figure than the President watches the programme.正是总统本人观看了这个节目。The watches are fakes, but they tried to pass them off as genuine Rolexes.这些手表是赝品,但他们试图拿它们冒充真的劳力士。He watches a lot of crap TV.他看许多垃圾电视节目。




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