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词汇 watching
例句 The man was standing in his doorway watching him.那个男人站在门口盯着他看。Are you up for watching a movie?你想看电影吗?I feel like watching a movie tonight.今晚我想看电影。Have you been watching the election campaign?你一直在观看竞选活动吗?I had this uncanny feeling that Alice was watching me.我有种古怪的感觉,觉得爱丽丝在看着我。He stood there watching the waves swilling around.他站在那里,看着海浪来回涌动。She sat on the couch all day watching television and feeling blah.她坐在沙发上,无精打采地看了一整天电视。People are always out in their cars, watching television or busy doing something else.人们总是驾车外出,或者看电视,再不就是忙点其他什么事情。What's the big idea? I was watching that programme!你怎么回事?我正在看那个节目呢!He sat in a café watching the world go by. 他坐在咖啡馆里,看着来来往往的人们。The rest of the class were sick of watching him brown-nose.班里的其他人讨厌看他拍马屁的样子。The students were watching her with kindly interest.学生们都友好而饶有兴致地看着她。There is an immediacy to watching a live performance that you cannot get from hearing a recording.观看现场演出有一种即时性,这是听录音所不能获得的。What movie are you watching?你在看什么电影?We were in the bazaar with all the little urchins watching us.我们在集市里,周围一大帮衣衫褴褛的小孩盯着我们看。She stood alone, watching the snow falling outside.她独自站着,目不转睛地看着户外飘落的雪。 Does watching violence on TV really harm children?观看暴力电视节目真的对孩子有害吗?I was killing time watching old movies.我在看老电影来消磨时间。I can't type at all when people are watching me. I go all fingers and thumbs.别人看着我时,我一个字也打不出来,手指很笨拙。He loves watching planes take off and land at the airport.他喜欢看机场上飞机起降。The police are carefully watching the movements of the suspicious character carefully.警察密切注意著那个可疑人物的行动。They were grinning and watching while one man laughed and poured beer over the head of another.当一个男人大笑着把啤酒倒在另一个人头上时,他们都在乐呵呵地看着。I found the kids watching a blue movie on the video last night.我发现孩子们昨晚在看一部黄色电影的录像。I stood on the platform watching the train pull away.我站在站台上看着火车离站。The attacker still stood there, watching her with silent contempt.袭击者还站在那里,用一种鄙夷的眼神一言不发地看着她。The painting depicts an idyllic pastoral scene of shepherds watching over their grazing sheep.这幅画里牧羊人看守着吃草的羊群,呈现出了田园诗般的乡村风情。I like watching the athletics on TV.我喜欢观看电视里的田径比赛。He was watching the cartoon channel.他在看卡通频道。Leslie suddenly got the feeling that somebody was watching her.莱斯莉突然感觉到有人在监视她。He's somehow managed to wriggle out of watching the kids again.他又设法逃避了看孩子的任务。He was leaning on the bridge, watching the boats go by.他靠在桥上,看着船来船往。Whale-watching has become a growth leisure industry.观鲸业已经成为一个快速发展的休闲产业。He waited, watching from the shore.他在岸边翘首等待。For me, surfing the Net beats watching TV any time.对我来说,网上冲浪任何时候都比看电视强。We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV.我们就坐在客厅的沙发上看电视。Everyone was watching the little dog with interest and amusement.大家都兴致勃勃,满怀乐趣地看着那条小狗。This was very disappointing for all the fans watching the game.这令观看比赛的广大粉丝大失所望。Carole goes in for such typical schoolgirl pastimes as horse-riding and watching old films…卡萝尔喜欢一些女生常玩的娱乐活动,例如骑马、看老电影等。The rest of the children hung back, watching her.其他孩子都畏缩不前地瞅着她。He was watching a football match.他正在观看一场足球赛。




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