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例句 These incentives should move the industry in the desired direction.这些鼓励措施应促进工业向期望的方向发展。You may have to take two pills in order to achieve the desired effect.你可能得服用两颗药才能取得预期的效果。If desired, each steak can be portioned into triangles.如果需要,每份牛排都可切成呈三角形的几份。Stern discipline did not achieve the desired result.严厉的纪律没有得到期望的结果。He passionately desired to continue his career.他热切渴望继续自己的事业。But Fred was bored and desired to go home.但弗雷德觉得很无聊,想要回家。Serve a bowl of warm tomato sauce on the side for dipping, if desired.如果你喜欢,可以上一碗热番茄调味汁来蘸着吃。The selection of TV programmes, especially at the weekend, leaves a lot to be desired.可供选择的电视节目,尤其是在周末的时候,还有大幅提升的空间。His solution to the problem leaves nothing to be desired.他解决这一问题的办法十分圆满。He desired to return to Mexico.他渴望回墨西哥去。Transfer this sauce to a separate saucepan, if desired.如果愿意的话,可以把这些调味汁倒入一只单独的长柄锅里。To change channels, select the desired number on the receiver unit.如要转换频道,选择接收器上所要的频道号码。The final speech had the desired effect, whipping the listeners into a patriotic fervour.最后的演讲取得了预期的效果,在听众中激起了一股爱国热潮。The food leaves nothing to be desired. 这食物无可挑剔。It is just possible that the accuracy of the information provided might leave something to be desired.很有可能所提供信息的准确性还不够高。She had remarried and desired a child with her new husband.她又结婚了,并且渴望和新任丈夫生个小孩。Food seems to have been available, even if the quality left much to be desired.食品似乎能够买到了,虽然品质还远不尽如人意。I am aware that the organization of the book leaves something to be desired.我知道该书的编排还有待改进。Inspectors say health and safety procedures at the factory leave a lot to be desired.稽查员说工厂的卫生和安全措施还有许多需要改进的地方。Your work leaves much to be desired.你的工作还有许多有待改进之处。By means of pedals, a harp can be set in any desired key.利用踏板可以给竖琴调出任何一种调子。The plebiscite in Kashmir desired by the U.N. has never taken place.联合国要求的克什米尔公民投票一直未能实现。The selection of TV programmes leaves a lot to be desired.可供选择的电视节目还有大幅提升的空间。We had problems with mosquitoes, but this spray had the desired effect.我们这儿有蚊子侵扰,幸好这种喷剂效果很是理想。The speech had the desired aim of enthusing staff.这次演讲希望能够鼓舞员工的士气。The engine shuts off automatically when the desired speed is reached.达到设定的速度后,发动机会自动关闭。Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning, adding more salt or pepper as desired.尝一下汤,调好作料,根据口味再加些盐或胡椒粉。Serve with runny honey or maple syrup as desired.依口味加稀蜂蜜或枫糖浆上桌。The sum collected wants but a few dollars of the desired amount.所收集的金额比所期望的数目只差几美元了。Although her education left much to be desired, she was an extremely intelligent person.尽管没有受过良好的教育,但她却是个非常聪明的人。She knew that men still desired her.她知道男人依然对她有欲望。She desired to marry a rich man.她很想嫁个富翁。The changes have not consistently produced the desired results.这些变化未能一以贯之地产生预期的效果。The instructor provides reinforcement to elicit the desired response.教练提供强化训练以引出想要的反应。He desired me to inform her that he had made his peace with God.他想让我告诉她他已接受了上天的安排,获得了心灵的安宁。The working conditions here leave a lot to be desired.这里的工作环境有很多需要改善的地方。You may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect.你会发现只要威胁说将会采取这一行动就能取得预期的效果。Their strategy produced the desired outcome.他们的策略产生了预期的效果。The meetings had the desired effect of driving home the urgent need for change.会议取得了预期的效果,阐明了变革的迫切需要。He located some of the desired items after a quick canvass.经过一番迅速的查询,他探明了他所需要的一部分东西的存放地点。




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