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His movie is a darkly comic portrayal of a troubled family.他的电影以黑色喜剧手法对一个问题家庭进行了描绘。It's a black comedy of racial prejudice, mistaken identity and thwarted expectations.这是一个关于种族歧视、身份错位和期望落空的黑色喜剧。The film is a black comedy set in a funeral home.这部电影是一部以殡仪馆为背景的黑色喜剧。The atmosphere after Wednesday's debut was as darkly comic as the film itself.星期三首映之后的气氛就如电影本身一样,充满了黑色喜剧色彩。It's a black comedy about racial prejudice.这是一部有关种族歧视的黑色喜剧。 |