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词汇 肢体
例句 The children are very tactile with warm, loving natures.小孩子说话时喜欢用上热烈、表达喜爱的肢体触碰。He was a very tactile person.他说话时喜欢和对方发生肢体接触。The sick person gradually falls into torpor.病人会逐渐肢体麻木。His gestures were economical, his words generally mild.他的肢体动作尽可能少,措辞总体温和。The limb is moved forward by abduction and circumduction.肢体通过外展和环形运动向前。Babies are born with very little control over their movements.婴儿出生时对自己的肢体运动几乎没有控制能力。Wrap the bandage firmly around the injured limb.用绷带紧紧包裹受伤的肢体The dancers moved suggestively.舞者挑逗地扭动肢体Patients exercised their atrophied limbs in the swimming pool.患者在游泳池里锻炼萎缩的肢体We now have the technologies to transplant limbs.现在我们掌握了肢体移植技术。Two arms reached around her flailing limbs.两只手臂抱住了她胡乱挥舞的肢体Newts can regenerate their limbs.蝾螈的肢体可以再生。The drug causes numbness and it can inflame the pancreas.这种药物会导致肢体麻木,也可能会引起胰脏炎。Some neck injuries cause total loss of mobility below the point of injury.一些颈部损伤会导致受伤部位以下肢体完全丧失活动能力。It feels good to stretch after a long drive.开了很长时间车,舒展一下肢体会很舒服。Malone got to his feet, feeling stiff and aged.马龙站了起来,肢体发僵,觉得自己老了。Our findings relate to physically rather than visually handicapped students.我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生。It's important to stretch before you exercise.运动前伸展一下肢体很重要。We communicated mainly by signs, gesticulation, and mime.我们主要通过符号、手势和肢体动作进行沟通。I'm too uncoordinated to be a good dancer.我的肢体太不协调,成不了优秀的舞者。Violent rows erupted into physical violence.激烈的争吵突然演变成了肢体暴力。Rest the affected limb to avoid further aggravation of the condition.要让受伤的肢体充分休息,以避免情况继续恶化。




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