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All you have to do is collect the tokens and exchange them for free books.你所要做的事情就是收集代金券,换取免费图书。All of my senses were on the alert for danger.我的全部感官都处于警觉的状态。All Christians know that Jesus had 12 apostles, and one of them betrayed him.基督徒都知道耶稣有十二个使徒,其中有一个背叛了他。All volunteers are supervised by a qualified nurse.所有的志愿服务人员由一名合格的护士来管理。All he ever thinks about is self.他考虑的只有自己。My parents are happy to lend me the money. All the same, I do feel guilty about it.我父母是很愿意借钱给我,不过我对此深感歉疚。All their money was tied up in long-term investments.他们所有的钱都搁死在长线投资上了。All too often it's the mother who gets blamed for her children's behaviour.孩子的行为问题往往都归罪于母亲。All checked-in baggage must be matched with a passenger travelling on the aircraft.所有的托运行李必须和搭机的旅客相符。All kinds of questions ran through my mind.各种问题在我的脑海里闪过。All my hard work went down the plughole. 我所有的辛苦全都白费了。All these visitors make a lot of work for me.所有这些客人的到访让我忙个不停。All of the automatic body functions, even breathing, are affected.一切自主身体机能,甚至呼吸,都受到了影响。All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance.整个询问分析性和逻辑性太强,浪漫的气息荡然无存。All the tools are fabricated from high-quality steel.所有工具均由高品质钢制成。All night long fireworks soared into the sky.整个晚上焰火不断地升入高空。All adult males will be liable for conscription.所有成年男子都有义务应征入伍。All these problems had to be reckoned with as they arose.所有这些问题,在它们一出现的时候,就必须予以处理。All the acts were good, but the evening belonged to a dance group from Moscow.所有的表演都很精彩,但是当晚最受欢迎的是一个来自莫斯科的舞蹈团。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。All we had to do was follow the map.我们所要做的就是按照地图走。All she got for her trouble was a kick in the teeth.她费尽周折换来的却是责备。All the team were there, except Eddie Stratton, who was ill.全队都在那儿,除了生病的埃迪·斯特拉顿。All pay increases are to be suspended until further notice.所有加薪计划都将暂停执行,直至另行通知。All this information had to be input into the computer.所有这些信息都得输入计算机。All the fibres of his being were stirred.他的本性全都被唤醒了。All citizens have a duty to act responsibly and show respect to others.所有公民都有为自己的行为负责和尊重别人的责任。He doesn't mind what people say. All the criticism seems to have washed over him.人们的议论他全不在意,所有的批评对他似乎都是耳边风。 All of them arrived late for a variety of reasons.由于种种原因,他们都来晚了。All of them are experts in their chosen field.他们在各自选定的行业中都是行家。All our business is conducted by correspondence.我们所有的生意都是通过信函进行的。All requests for the return of the objects have been met with a blank refusal.所有归还物品的要求都遭到了断然拒绝。All right then, have it your way. Be like that.那好吧,随你的便。就那样吧。All police interviews are recorded and transcribed.警方所有的面谈都有录音和文字记录。All objects are vetted by a distinguished panel of experts.所有物品都交由一个著名的专家小组检查鉴定。All of them came from wealthy, upper-class families.他们全部来自富有的上流社会家庭。All the years he was sick, my mother had nursed him.他生病的那些年里,是我妈妈一直在照料他。All these agreements and ideas remain little more than pious hopes in the present climate.所有这些协议和想法在目前的条件下都是不太可能实现的。All players must follow the rules outlined above.所有运动员都必须遵守上述规定。All the rooms in the house were awkwardly shaped.房子里所有房间的形状都很不周正。 |