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词汇 骑马
例句 She loved to ride; on horseback, she was reckless and utterly without fear.她喜欢骑马;在马背上,她纵横驰骋,毫无畏惧。They were preceded by mounted cowboys.他们前面是骑马的牛仔们。She took a bad fall while out riding.她外出骑马时重重摔了一跤。She won't have any troubles learning to ride a horse - you can see she's a natural.她学习骑马不会有任何困难——可以看得出她天生就是个骑手。He is skillful in managing horses.骑马的技术很好。One cannot make a complete circuit of the grounds by horse.骑马是不可能游遍这些地方的。At the end of the movie they ride off into the sunset.在电影的结尾,他们骑马消失在落日余晖中。Do you enjoy horseback riding? 你喜欢骑马吗?He's been off work ever since he hurt his back in a riding accident.自从在一次骑马事故中伤了背后,他就没有上过班了。She learned to ride when she was seven.她七岁时学会了骑马Patricia likes doing active things like canoeing, hiking, and horse-riding.帕特里夏喜欢运动,比如划独木舟、远足和骑马She was unseated on her first ride.她第一次骑马就从马上摔了下来。We'll travel up-country by horse tomorrow.我们明天骑马往内陆地区走。I put a pillow on the saddle so that I could ride comfortably.我在鞍上放了一个枕头,这样骑马时可以舒服些。He had transmitted his keenness for horses to his offspring, who rode from an early age.他把自己对马的喜爱传给了后辈,他们小小年纪就开始骑马Messengers on horseback relayed battle plans to the front lines.信使们骑马为前线送去了一个个作战计划。When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak.当竞选人在全国作巡回演说时,人们会步行、骑马或坐车数英里赶去听他们的演讲。We traveled overland by horse to the mountains.我们骑马从陆路进山。He swung himself into the saddle and rode off.他跨上马鞍,骑马走了。It was quite breathtaking to ride on the brow of the steep hills.在陡峭的山崖边骑马实在令人胆战心惊。She rode the horse back to the stables.她把马骑回骑马训练场。He spent his time in the shires riding, hunting, and shooting.他在英国中部地区整天骑马、狩猎和射击。He performs riding stunts in the circus.他在马戏团表演骑马绝技。Some say that astride riding is safer.有人说跨着骑马比较安全。Her hobbies include amateur dramatics and horse riding.她的爱好有业余戏剧表演和骑马Eva's hobbies are horse-riding, climbing, and aerobics.伊娃的爱好有骑马、爬山和有氧运动。She used to ride like a tailor.她从前不擅骑马I learned to ride only last year.我去年才学会骑马We provide action-packed holidays for children including riding, sailing, rock-climbing, and canoeing.我们为儿童提供充满刺激的假期活动,包括骑马、帆船运动、攀岩和独木舟。A riding accident left her blinded in one eye.一次骑马事故使她的一只眼睛失明了。O'Hara rode on, heedless of danger.奥哈拉不理会危险,继续骑马前行。He had all the trappings of a cowboy, but he couldn't even ride a horse.他外表及其穿著很像一个牛仔,但却连骑马都不会。I am learning to ride a horse.我正在学习骑马If you lead in the jeep, we'll follow behind on the horses.如果你开吉普车带路,我们就骑马跟在后面。She took me to see the horse and asked if I wanted to go for a ride.她带我去看那匹马,并问我是否想骑马兜一圈。I saw a girl riding a horse.我看到一个女孩在骑马Riding blunderingly all night he felt such bottom bitterness.整夜骑马跌跌撞撞赶路,他感到屁股痛得厉害。His wheels were stolen by a Mongolian horseman en route to China.在去中国的途中,他的车轮被一个骑马的蒙古人偷了。As a pastime, keeping and riding horses has always been very expensive.养马和骑马作为一种消遣从来就是开销庞大的。Sam dislocated his shoulder in a riding accident.萨姆在一次骑马事故中肩部脱白了。




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