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词汇 staging
例句 Judges expect a certain level of competence, so staging a little-girl-lost act in court will do no good whatsoever.法官要求律师具备一定的能力,因此在法庭上摆出一副天真无知的模样效果不会好。The chief of the armed forces intended to take power by staging a coup d'état.这位武装部队的首脑意欲发动政变夺取政权。The opera company is staging a revival of Verdi's Don Carlos.歌剧团正在重新演出威尔第的《唐·卡洛斯》。The staging of the play was more difficult than expected.这部剧的演出比预想的难。Once the staging is in place we can start painting the ceiling.脚手架一搭好,我们就可以开始漆天花板了。The production is a modern staging of the fairy tale "Cinderella".这部剧是童话故事《灰姑娘》的现代版。Short skirts were out of fashion for many years, but now they're making/staging a comeback.短裙过时多年,但现在又再度流行起来。A prep school is a staging area from which little boys can go on to the public school.预备学校是男童进入公立学校前的预科。She's had a two-year break from competitive running, but now she's staging a comeback.她已经两年没参加竞技性赛跑了,但现在她正准备复出。The city was staging Hamlet.该城市正在上演《哈姆雷特》。The museum is staging an exhibition of Picasso's work.博物馆正在举办一场毕加索的画展。The species was nearly extinct but is now making/staging a comeback.这一物种曾濒临绝迹,但现在情况正逐渐好转。Privatisation is a necessary staging post to an open market.私有化是通向公开市场的一个必要的预备阶段。The Almeida Theatre's recent staging of the opera had critics foaming at the mouth.阿尔梅达剧院最近上演的歌剧招致评论家大加贬斥。Members of an environmental group are staging a protest inside a chemical plant.一个环保组织的成员正在一家化工厂里举行抗议活动。The school is staging a track meet.学校在组织径赛运动会。The Riverside Theatre is used to staging major productions.里弗赛德剧院用于上演大型演出。Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.彼得·芒福德的灯光和戴维·弗里曼的导演对演出的成功功不可没。The island is a staging-post for many visiting yachts on their way south.该岛是很多观光游艇南行途中的一个补给站。The local drama group is staging a production of the musical "Grease".当地剧团正在演出音乐剧《油脂》。Hong Kong is often used as a staging post on flights from Melbourne to London.香港常被用作从墨尔本飞往伦敦的中转站。The store is staging a promotional giveaway to attract new customers.商店正在举行促销馈赠活动招徕新顾客。The prisoners are staging a hunger strike.犯人们在谋划发动绝食抗议。The gallery is staging a special exhibition of Monet's early works.这家美术馆正在举行莫奈早期作品特展。




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