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Don't try to go swimming on a full stomach.饱餐后别游泳。We had an excellent dinner, and finished up with a glass of brandy.我们饱餐了一顿,最后喝了一杯白兰地。You shouldn't exercise after a big meal.饱餐后不要进行锻炼。On the Hong Kong-Tokyo leg he ate a big dinner.在从香港到东京的那段行程中,他饱餐了一顿。As it was a cold morning, she stoked up on bacon, eggs, and beans on toast.由于早上很冷,她饱餐了一顿,吃的是咸肉、鸡蛋和豆烤面包。We feasted on chicken and roast potatoes.我们饱餐了一顿鸡肉和烤土豆。 |