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词汇 rendered
例句 His back injury had rendered him unfit for work.他的背伤使他不适宜工作。He was rendered almost speechless by the news.听到这个消息他几乎说不出话来。Companies are rendered impotent by all the rules and regulations.公司被各种规章制度束缚,了无生机。The virus rendered the computer useless.这种病毒致使电脑无法使用。The knights rendered their swords to the victors.骑士向胜利者交剑投降。The accident had rendered the vehicle inoperative.那场事故使这辆车报废了。The contents of the box were rendered useless by damp.箱内的东西由于受潮变得毫无价值了。New technology has rendered my old computer obsolete.新技术发展太快,我的旧电脑已经过时了。He has rendered a major disservice to our cause of plain English.他给我们为之奋斗的目标,即简洁平易的英语,帮了一个大大的倒忙。The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty.陪审团做出无罪裁决。Poetry can never be adequately rendered in another language.诗从来不能充分等值地译成另一种文字。The guarantee may be rendered invalid if the manufacturer's instructions are not followed.如果不按照厂家的说明操作,厂家承诺的保证就有可能无效。She rendered the walls in cement and, while it was still wet, applied the shells.她用水泥抹墙,并趁它还没干时粘上贝壳。A harrowing experience has rendered him temporarily silent.一场惨痛的经历使他暂时失语了。The treasurer rendered an account of all the money spent.会计呈递了一份开支的清单。The jury rendered a verdict of guilty.陪审团作出有罪裁决。The wine rendered me loquacious, disputatious and quarrelsome.喝了酒我多话,好辩,还爱吵嘴。The sight of her rendered him speechless.他一见到她就说不出话来了。We are sincerely grateful to everyone who has rendered assistance to the victims of the earthquake.我们真诚感谢为地震受害者提供帮助的每一个人。This sentence can not be literally rendered.这个句子不能直译。The dramatist's conception was well rendered.剧作家的构思得到了出色的表述。The blow rendered him unconscious.这一下把他打昏了。Millions of people were rendered partially or wholly destitute during the war.战争期间,数以百万计的人民都沦落到啼饥号寒或一贫如洗的地步。Hamlet was poorly rendered by him.哈姆雷特被他演糟了。The blow rendered him unconscious.这一击把他打得失去了知觉。She rendered back his money.她归还了他的钱。The whole nation is very grateful for the numerous acts of kindness rendered in this time of crisis.全国人民非常感激人们在这危急时刻给予的无数帮助。The quartet was rendered beautifully.四重奏演奏得优美动听。We think that those arguments are rendered invalid by the hard facts on the ground.我们认为那些论点当场即被确凿的事实驳倒了。Those arguments are rendered invalid by the hard facts on the ground.确凿的事实证明那些论点是不成立的。It's interesting how women are rendered invisible in these statistics.从这些统计数字中根本看不出女性的存在,所用的手法真是有趣。The play was badly rendered into Chinese.这个剧本译成汉语译得很糟。The legal change rendered the president virtually powerless.这一法律变动使得总统实际上丧失了权力。Heavy rain had rendered the ground unplayable.大雨使场地不能打球。We received a bill for services rendered. 我们收到了服务费账单。Prison order is rendered unstable by young inmates serving short sentences.刑期短的少年犯造成监狱秩序混乱。The singers rendered the song with enthusiasm.歌手们热情洋溢地演唱了这首歌。The conquered rendered tribute to the conqueror.被征服者向征服者纳贡。Kim's illness had rendered her completely immobile.金的病使她完全丧失了活动能力。Both runways have been rendered useless by enemy bombings.两条跑道都被敌人炸毁了,已不能使用。




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