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词汇 rendezvous
例句 This is one of the great rendezvous of London for artists.这是伦敦最大的艺术家云集地之一。The lovers met at a secret rendezvous in the park.恋人们在公园中偷偷约会。The platoon made its way to the prearranged rendezvous point in the desert.这个排向预先部署好的沙漠中的会合点进发。The restaurant will be our rendezvous.这家餐馆将是我们的会面地点。Aircraft carriers had sheltered in the secret rendezvous of the islands.一艘艘航空母舰隐蔽在岛群附近的秘密集结地。She made the rendezvous with only minutes to spare.她还差几分钟时才来赴约。I had almost decided to keep my rendezvous with Tony.我差不多已经决定如约和托尼见面了。I have a rendezvous with Peter at a restaurant.我约了彼得在一家餐馆见面。Nobody was at the rendezvous. No sign of violence.约会地点阒无一人,也没有暴力行动的迹象。It was the first occasion when they had both found it possible to keep a rendezvous.他们两人都能赴约,这还是头一遭。Although it was late, there was still enough time to keep the rendezvous.虽然很晚了,但还有足够的时间去赴这个约会。The plan was to rendezvous with him on Sunday afternoon.计划在周日下午和他会面。He failed to keep a rendezvous after sensing a police trap…他察觉到警方设了圈套以后就没有如约会面。She wondered where they were going to rendezvous afterwards.她想知道之后他们要去哪里约会。He made a rendezvous with his girlfriend.他和他的女朋友约会。We'll rendezvous with James in Nicosia.我们将在尼科西亚和詹姆斯碰头。Their rendezvous would be the Penta Hotel at Heathrow Airport.他们将在希思罗机场的五角饭店碰面。None of these rendezvous were kept.这些约会中没有一次是实现的。The undercover agents went to the rendezvous knowing that it might be a trap.尽管知道这可能是个圈套,这些秘密特工还是去了会面地点。Boats picked us up at pre-arranged rendezvous.船在预先约定的地点接我们。This park/café is a popular/favorite rendezvous for local teens.这个公园/咖啡馆是当地青少年喜欢/最爱去的地方。Despite our private rendezvous, I remain unimpressed by her.尽管私下曾会过面,我对她仍然缺乏印象。Let's make a rendezvous for next week.我们下周见个面吧。He was late for their rendezvous.他们约会时他迟到了。




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