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词汇 饮用
例句 They claim that the wine is for personal use and so evade the duty.他们声称这酒是供个人饮用的,以此来逃税。The wine was unfit for human consumption.这葡萄酒不宜饮用The wine has a smooth/fruity/sweet aftertaste.这种葡萄酒饮用后有种醇和的/果味的/芳香的感觉。As fresh water is very scarce on the island, inhabitants use cisterns to store rain for use as fresh water.因为岛上淡水缺乏,岛上的住民便使用贮水器来收集雨水饮用Consumers are increasingly changing to low-fat milk.消费者越来越多地转向饮用低脂牛奶。We have been given reassurances that the water is safe to drink.我们得到保证说这水是可以安全饮用的。Wine is radioactive but few people stop drinking it on that account.葡萄酒有放射性,但是很少有人就因此不再饮用了。Hundreds were poisoned from drinking the contaminated water.数百人因为饮用了受污染的水而中毒。The advertisers have been accused of trying to make the alcoholic drinks enticing to teenagers.广告商被指责试图诱惑青少年饮用酒精饮料。The law prohibits the sale and consumption of alcohol on unlicensed premises.法律禁止在没有经营许可证的场地出售和饮用酒类。He has abstained from the use of intoxicants.他已戒绝饮用酒类饮料。This water is not fit to drink.这水不宜饮用Beer for personal use is exempt from duty.供个人饮用的啤酒免税。This water is not fit for drinking.这水不宜饮用We enjoyed the luxury of an expensive bottle of wine.我们享受饮用名贵葡萄酒的奢华。Years of pollution has left the water undrinkable.多年的污染导致水源无法饮用People were continuing to drink infected water.人们仍在饮用有病菌的水。The wine can be served at room temperature.这种葡萄酒可在常温下饮用Most of the wine was unfit for human consumption.这些酒中的大多数不适合人类饮用This coffee is strong and full-flavoured, excellent for after dinner.这种咖啡味道浓郁,极适合餐后饮用Orange juice seems to disagree with some babies.橙汁似乎不适合某些婴儿饮用This water is unsafe to drink.这水不宜饮用It's a smooth, mild coffee, excellent for finishing off a meal.这种咖啡香滑醇和,最适合餐末饮用The wine should be served at room temperature.这种葡萄酒应在常温下饮用Avoid drinking the tap water when you first arrive in the country.刚到该国时不要饮用自来水。Water was reserved for drinking or medicinal uses.贮水是为了饮用或者药用。Drinking unclean water can cause diarrhoea and sickness.饮用不洁净的水会导致腹泻和呕吐。She's on complete bed rest, antibiotics and plenty of fluids.她现在完全卧床休息,服抗生素,大量饮用流质。White wine is the usual companion of fish.白葡萄酒常在吃鱼时饮用There were extraneous minerals in the water supply that made it unsafe to drink.自来水中含有外来无机物,使水不宜饮用Drink fluids to hydrate the body.饮用流质给身体补水。Californian wines became easy drinking in fancy packaging.加利福尼亚葡萄酒成了包装讲究、极易饮用的酒品。His grandfather had met an untimely end as the result of too much whisky.他的祖父因为过量饮用威士忌而早逝。Water from this well is safe to drink.这口井里的水可安全饮用Red wines should be allowed to 'breathe' if possible before drinking.如果可能的话,在饮用红酒前应该先开瓶透透气。Red wine is best served at room temperature.红葡萄酒最好在室温下饮用The water in the lake is so pure you can drink it.湖水非常纯净,可以饮用They boiled the water to make it drinkable. 他们把水烧开使其可以饮用




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