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例句 He has no sentimentality about firing unproductive employees, even those who have worked for the company for years.他对开除无所作为的员工,甚至包括那些为公司服务了多年的员工,是毫不留情的。There is too little cooperation between the opposing parties to get anything done in government.对立的各党派之间合作太少,导致政府无所作为The bishop had done nothing to cure the widespread lack of faith.主教在解决人们信仰普遍缺失的问题上无所作为Even the most fossilized chairman was reluctant to have to say that his company had done nothing.即使是最顽固不化的董事长,也不愿意承认说自己的公司无所作为Several newspapers have criticized the President for inaction.好几家报纸批评总统无所作为My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.我们学校在体育方面无所作为We would be guilty of unpardonable weakness and dereliction if we did nothing.如果我们无所作为,我们会因自己不可原谅的懦弱和不负责任而内疚。They've tabled a motion criticising the Government for doing nothing about the problem.他们提交了一项动议,批评政府在该问题上无所作为The fact, though, is that neither the police nor the fiscals do anything.然而,事实上,无论是警察还是检察官都无所作为




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