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词汇 新闻工作
例句 He began a career in journalism, working for the North London Press Group.他开始从事新闻工作,为北伦敦报业集团工作。The interview was a baptism into journalism for the young writer. 这次采访就是对这位年轻作家从事新闻工作的考验。The Sky News TV station is largely run by ex-BBC news staffers.空中新闻电视台主要是由原英国广播公司的新闻工作人员运作的。She definitely wants to move into journalism.她肯定想转型从事新闻工作He criticizes the way journalists promote the cult of celebrity in modern America. 他批判新闻工作者在现代美国推动名人崇拜的方式。If nature abhors a vacuum, journalists abhor a transition, when there is little news to cover.好比自然界拒绝真空一样,新闻工作者则厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。My nephew is just setting out on a career in journalism.我的侄子刚刚开始从事新闻工作I'd like to have a career in journalism.我希望从事新闻工作Over 200 attended the Women in Journalism luncheon last Tuesday.二百多人参加了上周二的女性新闻工作者午餐会。A degree in English could lead to a career in journalism.有英语专业的学位可让你有机会从事新闻工作He made his living by a mixture of tutoring and journalism.他靠教书与从事新闻工作谋生。To do well as a journalist, you have to be willing to change jobs very frequently.要成为成功的新闻工作者,必须愿意经常变换工作任务。After leaving the Navy, he started a new career in journalism.他离开海军之后,开始了一项新的事业—从事新闻工作He is widely admired as a journalist.作为一名新闻工作者,他受到了广泛赞誉。She had gained an awful lot of journalistic experience within a short space of time.她在很短的时间内就积累了相当丰富的新闻工作经验。After 10 years I left politics and went into journalism.十年之后我退出政坛,从事新闻工作Crusading journalist William Lloyd Garrison represented the radical fringe.斗志昂扬的新闻工作者威廉·劳埃德·加里森代表激进的这一派。She had a true zeal for journalism.她对新闻工作怀有真正的热情。She tries to be a fair and neutral journalist.她努力成为一名公正的、政治中立的新闻工作者。Both reporters cut their journalistic teeth on the same provincial newspaper.两名记者都从同一份当地报纸获得了最初的新闻工作经验。Journalists should present a balanced picture of events.新闻工作者应客观公正地将新闻事件的面貌呈现给读者。Tracy is interested in journalism, but Sarah wants to be a doctor.特雷西对新闻工作感兴趣,而萨拉却想成为一名医生。She has her hopes fixed on a career in journalism. 她一心希望能够从事新闻工作




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