例句 |
I heard a peculiar warbling from the living room.我听到客厅里有人用奇怪的颤音在唱歌。The stereo is designed to minimize flutter.这种立体声系统的设计是为了使颤音最小化。He sang the aria with a rich vibrato.他以饱满的颤音演唱了那支咏叹调。He warbled his way through the song.他用高颤音从头至尾唱了这首歌。I heard the soft warble of her speaking voice.我听到她柔和的带着颤音的说话声。Bell inflected the musical line and varied his tone, his vibrato and his phrasing with a degree of imagination.贝尔以其想象力将乐谱转调,使音色、颤音和乐句划分变化多样。 |