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In this ever changing world, we must stay ahead of the curve.在这个不断变化的世界,我们必须与时俱进。We've got to move with the times.我们必须与时俱进。Britain must bring itself up to date.英国必须使自己与时俱进。He recast his political image to fit the times.为了与时俱进,他重塑了自己的政治形象。We have to move with the times and market our products more aggressively.我们必须与时俱进,更积极地推销我们的产品。Training techniques had not kept pace with the times.训练技术没有与时俱进。He is unafraid to move with the times.他敢于与时俱进。Companies must change/evolve/move with the times or risk losing their customers.公司必须与时俱进,否则就有可能失去客户。 |