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词汇 领土
例句 Having made the breakthrough, the column was able to advance rapidly over lightly defended territory.该纵队成功突围后得以在防范松懈的领土上快速前进。They controlled the passage of goods through their territory.他们控制着经过他们领土的货物通道。Troops were stationed on sovereign German territory.军队驻扎在德国的主权领土上。Let's meet on neutral territory.我们在中立国的领土上会面吧。The talks will be held on neutral ground.会谈将在第三方领土上举行。The territory had been administered by South Africa.领土已被南非控制。We need to hold the line against further expansion into our territory.我们需要抵御对我们领土的进一步侵占。They fought a war over the disputed territory.他们就争议领土开战。Both countries lay claim to the territory.两国都宣称该地区是自己的领土You may have free passage across our territory whenever you require it.无论何时,只要你提出要求,都可以自由通过我们的领土The Republic is a dominion of the Brazilian people.这个共和国是巴西人民的领土Reports revealed that the government was plotting an invasion of neighbouring territories.有报告显示,政府正在密谋侵占邻国领土The region was territorially important to the empire.领土角度上看,这一地区对这个帝国很重要。France ceded the territory to them.法国把那块领土割让给他们。France refused to allow stockpiling of American atomicweapons on French soil for the Nato fighter-bomber force.法国拒绝在其领土上为北约组织的战斗轰炸机部队储备美国原子武器。The territory has been granted autonomy.这片领土已经获得自治权。Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica.智利和阿根廷对于南极的领土主张都持强硬态度。At its greatest extent the empire comprised most of western France.在帝国全盛时期,法国西部的大部分地区均为其领土They are determined to win back the disputed territories, whatever the cost in human terms.他们下决心不管牺牲多少人都要夺回这些有争议的领土The United States would never surrender this territory.美国永远不会将这片领土拱手相让。The island of Guam is a US territory.关岛是美国的领土The negotiations will be held on neutral territory.谈判将在中立国的领土上举行。The issue of foreign troops on Turkish soil is a sensitive one.在土耳其领土上驻扎外国军队这个问题非常敏感。The forest is part of the king's domain.这片森林是国王领土的一部分。The government threw the territory open to settlers.政府对移民开放领土The government says that it will view any attempt to fly over its territory as an act of aggression.政府声明,任何试图飞越该国领土的行为都将被视为侵略行为。The river marks the eastern perimeter of our land.这条河构成了我们领土的东面边界。This was the territory of enemies, penetrated only for the purposes of trade and war.这是敌人的领土,只有在进行贸易或发动战争时才能进入。The countries fought for dominion of the territory.几个国家为争夺这片领土的统治权而战。Enemy troops are now three miles inside their territory.敌军现已进入他们的领土三英里。We ask why peace should have an apparent chance in the one territory and not the other.我们会问为什么一方领土上和平在望而另一方却看不到光明。We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory.我们准备好为保卫每一寸领土而战。The first aim of his government would be to establish control over the republic's territory.他领导的政府的第一个目标就是建立对共和国领土的控制权。By the terms of the treaty, a third of their territory was ceded to France.根据协议的条款,该国领土的三分之一被割让给法国。Both countries believe the territory is rightfully theirs.两国都认为这理应是他们的领土Miller had accidentally crossed into Iraqi territory and was arrested for spying.米勒误闯伊拉克领土,被指从事间谍活动而遭到逮捕。Neither side is willing to surrender any territory/any of their claims.双方都不愿意在领土上/自己的主张上作出任何让步。The king sought to expand his realm.国王谋求扩大领土He portioned to his tribes the wide domain.他把广阔的领土分给他的各个部落。National authority was extended over new territories.国家主权延伸到了新的领土上。




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