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词汇 flamed
例句 He got/was flamed for expressing a controversial political opinion on the Internet.他在网上发表了颇具争议的政治观点,因此有人写电子邮件辱骂他。The overheated pan flamed up suddenly.烧得过热的平底锅突然冒起火来。The sun flamed through the clouds.太阳穿过云层,光芒四射。His cheeks flamed.他的双颊变红了。Christopher's listening face flamed at the contempt.克利斯托弗听到这种蔑视,气得涨红了脸。The fireplace flamed the opposite wall.炉火照亮了对面的墙壁。The fire flamed cosily in the hearth.壁炉里的火暖烘烘地燃烧着。Erica's cheeks flamed with anger.埃丽卡气得双颊通红。The fire, which had seemed to be on the point of going out, suddenly flamed up anew.火看上去就要熄灭了,可突然又猛烈燃烧起来。His career flamed out after the failure of his last movie.最后一部影片失败后,他的事业骤然垮台。The wood flamed up and crackled.木头越烧越旺,噼啪作响。The evening sky flamed with red.傍晚的天空闪耀着红光。Her face flamed with embarrassment.她窘得满脸通红。The rising sun flamed the eastern sky.朝阳染红了东方的天空。The mob flamed through the streets.暴民气势汹汹地穿过街头。The match flamed for a few seconds then went out.火柴燃烧了几秒钟,然后熄灭了。His anger flamed up at the sight.见此情景他勃然大怒。Her cheeks flamed an angry red.她气得双颊通红。A fire flamed in the oven.炉火熊熊燃烧。The plane nearly crashed when one of its engines flamed out shortly after takeoff.飞机起飞后不久,一个发动机突然失灵,险些坠毁。Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment.她窘得双颊通红。Ever been flamed?收到过带有攻击性的电子邮件吗?Indignation flamed in her heart.她义愤填膺。A great fire flamed in an open fireplace.敞开的壁炉里烈火熊熊。They poured oil on the fire and it flamed out.他们把油倒在火上,立即腾起熊熊烈火。




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