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词汇 鞭打
例句 He thinks that bringing back the birch would be a good idea.他认为恢复桦条鞭打之刑是个好主意。Murderers were hanged, muggers were birched.过去谋杀犯被绞死,而抢劫犯则受桦条鞭打The colt used to whip seamen has disappeared on the ship.船上用来鞭打水手的笞绳不见了。The seaman was colted by the captain for the mistake.为了这个过错,水手遭到船长的笞绳鞭打There have been public floggings of women for adultery.当众鞭打通奸妇女的现象一直存在。The disobedient sailors were threatened with the lash.违抗命令的水手有受到鞭打的危险。She stood there, taking the beatings of the whip.她站着一下一下挨鞭打They threatened to give him a whipping. 他们威胁要鞭打他一顿。I don't like the way the drivers whip their horses.我不喜欢马车夫那样鞭打马匹。He received a good flogging.他遭到一顿狠狠的鞭打He could not possibly have endured a whipping.他不可能受得住一顿鞭打In the past, some teachers would resort to the cane when students misbehaved.过去,一些老师会在学生行为不端时鞭打学生。Flog them soundly.好好鞭打他们一顿。In the past, some teachers would cane students who misbehaved.过去,一些老师会用藤条鞭打行为不端的学生。Aman was being whipped and beaten in the next room.有个男人正在隔壁房间受鞭打We got the strap.我们被鞭打了一顿。He stopped slashing his horse.他住了手,不去鞭打他的马了。In those days, children were flogged as a punishment.那时候儿童遭鞭打是一种惩罚。The sailor was lashed for disobeying the captain.水手因违抗船长的命令而受到鞭打Punishment was administered in the traditional way by a public flogging.惩罚以当众鞭打的传统方式进行。The jockey whipped his horse.赛马骑师鞭打了他的马。The sailor was whipped for disobeying orders.这名水手因为不服从命令受到鞭打The sailors were flogged for attempting a mutiny.那些水手因企图哗变而遭到鞭打What kind of a society flogs women simply for saying what they think?这算什么社会,妇女说一句自己心里想的话就要鞭打她们?She would never thrash her children.她绝不会鞭打她的孩子。He was publicly flogged and humiliated.他当众受到鞭打和羞辱。She had left home after a savage beating.她被狠狠鞭打一顿之后离开了家。




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