例句 |
The dart hit the board squarely in the middle/center.飞镖直接插入靶心。I scored a hit on my second shot.我的第二枪击中了靶心。The bullet landed right spang in the middle of the target.子弹不偏不倚正中靶心。The archer's shot was a perfect bull's-eye.射手的那一箭正中靶心。Each shot was smack on the bull's-eye.每发子弹都不偏不倚地打中靶心。Their arrows are dead on target.他们的箭正中靶心。The dart landed to the left/right of the bull's-eye.飞镖落在靶心的左边/右边。Her arrow hit the dead center of the target.她的箭正中靶心。He hit the bull's-eye and won the prize.他射中靶心,赢得了奖品。You got/threw/shot/scored a bull's-eye!你打中靶心了!I was amazed when I got a bullseye.当我命中靶心时,我很惊讶。 |