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词汇 相撞
例句 A five-car pileup slowed traffic.五辆车相撞导致交通减慢。The collision between the ships was caused by fog.船只相撞事件因雾造成。Five cars crashed into each other, but amazingly no-one was hurt.五辆汽车相撞,但奇怪的是竟然没有人受伤。Cranes were needed to untangle the wrecked coaches.需要吊车来把这些相撞的长途公共汽车分开。Two rapid transit trains collided early this morning in Boston.今晨早些时候,两辆高速火车在波士顿相撞The two ships collided fatally.两船相撞,船毁人亡。He turned his car away to avoid hitting a truck.他把汽车向旁边一让,以免和卡车相撞They collided in rough seas.他们在惊涛骇浪中相撞了。A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.一艘捕鱼船和一艘货船在波涛汹涌的海上相撞了。Four or five cars had collided in the fog.有四五辆汽车在雾中相撞This is the spot where the two trucks collided.这儿就是两辆卡车相撞的地点。The transport helicopter he was in collided with another and crashed.他乘坐的运输直升机与另外一架直升机相撞坠毁了。A truck had collided with a car.一辆卡车与一辆小汽车相撞Two trains collided head-on in Germany this morning.今晨两列火车在德国迎面相撞The two boys ran foul of one another in turning a corner.两个男孩在拐弯时彼此相撞In a head-on crash, the front of the car concertinas to absorb the impact.在发生迎面相撞时,车的前部会被撞瘪以吸收冲击力。When the plates of land that form the earth collide or slide past each other, earthquakes result.当构成地球的板块相撞或相对位移,就会发生地震。A long-distance bus collided with a truck, causing several fatalities.一辆长途客车和一辆卡车相撞,造成数人死亡。The bus hit the car side-on.公共汽车与轿车侧面相撞The two cars bashed into each other.两辆车猛地相撞在一起。His car hit a van coming in the opposite direction.他的车与迎面驶来的小货车相撞We were not altogether sure that the comet would miss the Earth.我们不能完全肯定彗星不会与地球相撞Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.越线超车时,轿车和一辆厢式货车迎面相撞The two cars crashed into each other.两辆汽车猛烈相撞They were on their way to the Shropshire Union Canal when their van was involved in a collision with a car.在去往什罗普郡联盟运河的路上,他们的小货车与一辆小车相撞The crash occurred when a freight train collided with an incoming passenger train.一辆货运列车与一辆进站的客运列车相撞,发生了事故。His car collided with another car during a heavy rainstorm.他的车在暴雨中和另一辆车相撞了。As a result of the collision, the first two cars telescoped.由于相撞,头两节车厢叠嵌在一起了。The cars collided on a tight bend.几辆汽车在急转弯处相撞I saw a terrible smashup on my way to school.我在去学校的路上看到一起可怕的汽车相撞事故。Two ships struck in mid channel.两艘船在河道中间相撞The two vans collided at the crossroads.两辆货车在十字路口相撞The two planes were on a collision course.这两架飞机在会导致相撞的航线上飞行。The truck hit the car broadside on.卡车与汽车侧面相撞He was badly hurt in an accident involving two cars and a van.他在一起两辆汽车和一辆货车相撞的事故中受了重伤。Waves drove the boat against the shore.波浪把小船冲得与堤岸相撞The planes were on a collision course.这几架飞机势必相撞There was a terrible noise when the two buses hit each other.两辆公共汽车相撞时发出了可怕的声响。Two football players collided on the field.两名橄榄球运动员在球场上相撞Quarterback Brady Anderson was injured in an unfortunate collision with one of his team-mates.四分卫布雷迪·安德森与队友相撞,不幸受伤。




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