例句 |
Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas.臭氧是一种非常活跃的氧气形态。She may be over 80, but she's still very active!她可能已经八十多岁了,但是仍然非常活跃!My imagination's been working overtime.近来我的想象力非常活跃。The property market is very hot these days.近来房地产市场非常活跃。Many seniors have very active lives.许多老年人生活非常活跃。She has remained very active during retirement.她退休后依然非常活跃。Trading on the stock market today was rather lively. 今天股票市场的交易非常活跃。It's all go in the commercial property market.商业地产市场非常活跃。We have a very active sex life.我们的性生活非常活跃。His wife is very active in the church, but he's not religious himself.他的妻子在教会里非常活跃,但他本人并不信教。There's always a buzzy atmosphere in the restaurant.这家餐厅的气氛总是非常活跃。His senses were working overtime.他的感觉官能非常活跃。 |