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It's a very permissive school where the children are allowed to do whatever they want.这是一所放任自流的学校,孩子们想做什么都可以。Should parents be strict or permissive?父母应该严格还是放任?It's not always true that young people have a more permissive attitude towards sex.说年轻人对性行为的态度更加开放,这并非总是对的。Some states have more permissive laws than others.一些州的法律比其他州的宽容。Single parents are more likely to be permissive.单亲家庭的父母更容易放任自己的孩子。Divorce before the permissive age was a protracted affair.在性开放时期之前,离婚这种事会一直被拖延。 |