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词汇 非凡
例句 She is an extraordinarily beautiful girl.她是个美丽非凡的姑娘。The scenery in Hawaii is out of this world.夏威夷的风景美得非凡,宛如仙境。Rembrandt's use of accidentals produced unusual dramatic effects in his portraits.伦勃朗运用突出光线手法使他的人像画产生了非凡的戏剧效果。Alan's work shows unusual talent and originality.艾伦的作品表现出非凡的天才和独创性。She had an unusual degree of self-reliance and mental toughness.她有非凡的自立的精神和坚韧不拔的精神。Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean.伊德里斯·卡尔德拉大厨给出了一份体现地中海精髓的菜单,堪称创意非凡之作。The editorial packed an uncommon kind of punch to reveal the hopeful elements in the grimmest situation.社论以非凡的雄辩揭示出最为严酷形势下尚具有希望的因素。Kennett embodied in one man an unusual range of science, music, and religion.肯尼特集科学、音乐、宗教等方面的一系列非凡成就于一身。Kate is a woman who possesses a rare intelligence.凯特是个具有非凡才智的女人。He has shown remarkable grace during this crisis.在这场危机中,他表现出了非凡的风度。I thought he was very attractive and obviously very intelligent.我觉得他魅力非凡,才智过人。It's beyond mortal power to bring a dead man back to life.要死人复活非凡人所能为。It's a remarkable achievement for the company.这对公司来说是一个非凡的成就。I think she showed great strength of character in turning down what must have been a very lucrative offer.她拒绝了那个绝对诱人的工作机会,我认为这显示出了她性格中非凡的意志力。She's a woman of exceptional intelligence.她是个有着非凡智慧的女子。She showed remarkable musical talent at/from an early age. 她很小就表现出非凡的音乐天赋。Graham Greene had exceptional talents as a story-teller.格雷厄姆·格林有非凡的讲故事才能。She showed great ability in mathematics.她显现出非凡的数学才能。She has extraordinary powers of perception for one so young.她年纪轻轻就有着非凡的洞察力。His final round was a signal triumph in a career marked by many sweet moments.最后一场比赛的胜利在他充满欣喜的职业生涯中具有非凡的意义。Her father noticed her singular talent for music.她父亲注意到了她在音乐上的非凡天赋。Some kids become high-achievers to compensate for their parents' disinterest.有些孩子取得了非凡的成绩,以弥补父母对他们的漠视。This remarkable achievement took place without the benefit of our modern telecommunication industry.这项非凡成就的取得并没有借助于现代电信业这个有利条件。She revealed the secret behind her extraordinary success.她透露了自己取得非凡成功的秘诀。He is a man of extraordinary vitality, driving ambition and political nous.他是一个精力非凡、志向远大、政治上很有见识的人。His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.颁给他的嘉奖令称他表现出非凡的勇气,堪为表率。Presley's phenomenal early success isolated him from his friends.普雷斯利年纪轻轻就成就非凡,这使他在朋友中陷入孤立。Birds' nests are extraordinary creations.鸟巢是非凡的艺术品。She impressed us with her superior intelligence.她的非凡才华给我们留下了深刻的印象。The large and heavily bolstered leather driver's seat gives fabulous comfort and support.填充厚实的宽大皮驾驶座给人非凡的舒适和支撑。Children have a remarkable capacity to learn language.小孩子具有非凡的语言学习能力。Tolkien himself would be awestruck at the feat of imagination his great work has inspired Jackson to.托尔金的巨著激发了杰克逊如此非凡的想象,就连托尔金本人也会为之肃然起敬。As a soldier he showed extraordinary skill and courage under fire.作为一名士兵,他在枪林弹雨中表现出非凡的技能和勇气。Her strength of will was extraordinary.她的意志力非凡His courage and determination were extraordinary.他的勇气与决心是非凡的。The children had shown exceptional courage.孩子们表现出了非凡的勇气。It takes real talent to write a great pop song.创作一首一流的流行歌曲需要非凡的才华。He had an unusual ability to rise above the prejudices of his generation.他有摆脱同代人的偏见的非凡能力。He is brilliantly able, more than a phrasemonger.他才华非凡,决非辞藻华丽但言之无物之辈可比。She bore her illness with rare courage.她以非凡的勇气忍受着病痛。




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