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词汇 delight
例句 I choose to take delight in my accomplishments now.我选择为自己现在取得的成绩而欣喜。Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and delight.从房子各处看到的景色不断给人带来惊奇和欣喜。He was giddy with delight.他高兴得不得了。Some people seem to take great delight in hearing about the misfortunes of others.有些人似乎特别喜欢幸灾乐祸。The baby gurgled with delight.婴儿高兴得咯咯笑。Such was the delight of the audience that Foote was encored three times.观众太高兴了,富特被要求加演了三次。Gould's pithy writing style makes it a delight to read.古尔德简洁的写作风格使得读他的作品成为一乐事。She chortled with delight.她高兴得咯咯笑。Her fabulous recipes will delight anyone who loves chocolate.她那些绝妙的制作方法将使每一个爱吃巧克力的人感到欣喜。To the teacher's great delight, all his students passed the examination.使教师大为高兴的是,他的学生全部考试及格。His expression when he saw the baby was one of pure delight. 当他看到那个婴儿时,脸上露出了一种由衷的喜悦。She was unable to hide her delight at his failure.对他的失败她禁不住喜形于色。He was a real gentleman both on and off court and a delight to play.场上场下他都是一位绅士,和他一起打球是一种享受。My sister gave a shriek of delight.我妹妹高兴地尖叫起来。The British team did not disguise their delight at their success.英国队毫不掩饰他们获胜的喜悦。The news filled him with inexpressible delight/joy/horror/pain.这消息给他带来了无法形容的喜悦/高兴/恐惧/痛苦。To the delight of his proud parents, he has made a full recovery.他完全康复了,他自豪的父母因此很高兴。Alice squealed with sheer delight when she saw the monkeys.艾丽斯看到猴子时高兴得尖叫起来。He whooped with delight.他开心得呼喊起来。The kids screamed in delight as they chased one another around the park.孩子们在公园追逐嬉戏,快乐地大声喊叫。I delight in the prospect of visiting Beijing.我欣喜地期待着访问北京。The stories will delight readers of all ages.这些故事能使不同年龄的读者都感到愉悦。She gave a little squeal of delight.她高兴地小声尖叫了一下。Evans could barely contain his delight.埃文斯几乎无法掩饰自己的欣喜之情。Some people delight in the misfortunes of others.有些人拿别人的不幸取乐。The children watched the clowns with keen delight.孩子们兴味浓厚地观看丑角们的表演。Good day to you, Bernard! It's a positive delight to see you.你好,伯纳德!见到你真高兴。The magazine is a cook's delight.这本杂志是厨师的最爱。She exclaimed in delight over/at the Christmas tree.看到圣诞树,她高兴地呼喊了起来。Jennifer squealed with delight and hugged me.珍妮弗高兴地尖叫起来,然后拥抱了我。My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.我最初的惊讶很快变成了兴奋。To the audience's delight, she agreed to do another number.令观众高兴的是,她同意再来一首。He crowed with delight when he won the contest.他比赛获胜时高兴得欢呼起来。His delight had one qualification.他的快乐有一点美中不足之处。He is a player who has the star quality to delight his fans.作为一个运动员,他具有愉悦球迷的明星气质。The children ran down the hill, letting out shrieks of delight.孩子们往山下跑,开心地尖叫着。The boy gave a little crow of delight when he mastered the puzzle.男孩解出了这道难题,高兴得叫出声来。The little dog's tail wagged in delight.那条小狗欢快地摇着尾巴。At the end, Graf punched the air in delight, a huge grin on her face.最后,格拉夫高兴得挥动着拳头,脸上笑开了花。He takes delight in needling his nearest rival.他喜欢用言语来刺激与他实力最接近的对手。




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