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词汇 delaying
例句 This is a publicity stunt and a delaying tactic by a bankrupt landlord.这是破产地主的宣传噱头和缓兵之计。The peace negotiations were being held up by the delaying tactics of France and Great Britain.和平谈判正受到法英两国拖延战术的阻碍。Children are adept at delaying tactics.孩子们很会磨蹭。We need to stop delaying and get to work.我们不能再耽搁了,现在就开始工作。Each side accuses the other of delaying progress.双方都指责对方拖延进度。Since the firm is just diddling and delaying, the interest is going to escalate.由于公司一直都在磨蹭拖延,利息将会不断增加。The judge blasted the lawyers for delaying the trial.法官痛斥那些律师延误了审判。His lawyers are delaying the trial to gain time to prepare their defense.他的几名律师正在拖延审判,以赢得准备辩护的时间。Dodd made no appeal of his death sentence and, further, instructed his attorney to sue anyone who succeeds in delaying his execution.多德没有对自己的死刑判决提起上诉,而且他还要求自己的律师起诉任何成功使得这一死刑暂缓执行的人。Ministers are using delaying tactics to postpone the report yet again.部长们再次使用拖延战术来推后报告的时间。He's a past master at delaying meetings.他是拖延会议的老手。The spokeswoman said that nimby attitudes were delaying development of the site.女发言人说,邻避运动论者阻碍了该用地的开发。Some politicians are prepared to use delaying tactics to block the bill.有些政治家打算采用拖延战术来阻挠这一提案。It's time to stop delaying and get down to work.不要再耽搁了,该着手认真工作了。Congress can try to neutralize new legislation by modifying it or delaying it.国会可通过修改或推迟的办法使新的立法失去效力。He keeps delaying his decision because he doesn't want to commit himself.因为不想表态,他一直拖延做决定。The question was just a delaying tactic to stop her leaving the room.这问题只是个拖延战术,为的是不让她离开房间。




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