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词汇 雌性
例句 The male and female of the species are also separable by their colour.这一物种的雄性和雌性可按颜色区分开来。Norwegian whalers said yesterday they had harpooned a female minke whale.挪威的捕鲸人说昨天他们用捕鲸叉捕获了一头雌性小须鲸。The male of the species is typically smaller than the female.这一物种的雄性一般要比雌性小一些。The females are smaller and less powerful than the males.雌性体型比雄性小,力气也没有雄性大。The male is usually bigger and more brightly coloured than the female.雄性通常比雌性体型大,颜色也更鲜艳。The female incubates the eggs.雌性孵卵。A hen is a mature female chicken, more than ten months old.母鸡是十个月以上、发育成熟的雌性鸡。The female rattlesnake warns off intruders by making a loud noise.雌性响尾蛇发出很大的声音警告入侵者不要靠近。During the time she is paired to a male, the female allows no other males to copulate with her.雌性与雄性配对时,雌性不允许其他雄性与之交配。Male and female adults mate, the female lays eggs, and the cycle begins all over again.成年雄性和雌性交配,雌性产卵,周而复始。The males are seven times heavier than the females.雄性的重量是雌性的七倍。The implication is clear: young females do better if they mate with a new male.含意很清楚:年轻雌性如果与陌生雄性交配表现会更好。The female deposits her eggs directly into the water.雌性把卵直接产在水中。The male establishes a territory and attracts a female.雄性建立领地吸引雌性Males and females take turns brooding the eggs.雄性和雌性轮流孵卵。The male of this species assists the female in feeding the young.这一物种的雄性帮助雌性一起喂养幼崽。It's quite common for male birds to mate with several females.雄性鸟和多只雌性鸟交配很正常。Reproductive success is directly determined by attractiveness to the female.繁殖成功与否直接取决于对雌性的吸引力。A lone mother Canada goose honked a warning to stay away from her nest.一只孤独无伴的雌性加拿大黑雁鸣叫了一声,警告别人不要靠近它的巢。Low-ranking male chimpanzees eat with the dominant females, who show no aggresssion towards them.地位低的雄性黑猩猩与地位占优势的雌性黑猩猩一起进食,后者没有表现出攻击性。The fecundity of females increased.雌性的生育能力提高了。




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