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词汇 degrees
例句 Higher degrees in English are a target for foreign students.获得更高的英语学位是外国学生的目标。An increase in average temperature by only a few degrees could cause environmental problems worldwide.平均气温仅仅升高几度便可能导致世界范围的环境问题。The thermometer registered 70 degrees.温度计显示七十度。A greater proportion of people with first degrees are now going on to study for higher degrees.现在有更多具有学士学位的人继续深造以获得更高学位。They are saying, with varying degrees of absolutism, that animals should not be exploited at all.他们都多多少少带有些绝对地说动物根本不该被拿来利用。Their friendship was growing by degrees into love.他们的友谊正逐渐地发展成爱情。We all tried to find out about the bus service, with varying degrees of success.我们都试图弄清公交车的运行情况,结果有不同程度的收获。We tried out these methods, with varying degrees of success.这些方法我们都试过了,取得了不同程度的成功。They have had varying degrees of success.他们都取得了不同程度的成就。These last were given honorary degrees.最后提到的这几位被授予荣誉学位。The university has already conferred honorary degrees on several prime ministers.大学已经向几位首相授予了荣誉学位。It grew cold by insensible degrees as the sun went down.随着太阳西沉,气温也不知不觉地逐渐变冷了。The law was implemented with varying degrees of rigour in different districts.该法律在不同地区的执行力度各不相同。Temperatures dropped to 25 degrees below zero.温度降到了零下二十五度。They have been making progress by small degrees.他们一直在一点一点地进步。They work hard, but with varying degrees of success.他们工作都很认真,但成就却有大有小。Racism still exists to varying degrees.种族主义仍不同程度地存在着。Extraordinary degrees of realism are reached in the film.该电影所达到的真实性非同凡响。By degrees, the company's turnover dwindled to nothing.公司的营业额逐渐下降至零。Both their children graduated with degrees in economics.他们的两个孩子获得的都是经济学学位。The crowd was thinning, but only by degrees.人群在散开,只是散开得很慢。The roof of the house pitched at a 45 degrees angle.屋顶倾斜四十五度。By degrees, Huy forced himself into a sitting position.哈伊慢慢地用力撑着坐起来。It was a cold night. About two or three degrees at a guess.那是一个寒冷的夜晚,气温估计只有两三度。She has tried numerous diets with varying degrees of success.她试了许多节食方法,收到不同程度的效果。They've tried to improve their procedures, with varying degrees of success.他们尽力完善他们的程序,取得了不同程度的成效。The thermometer reads 96 degrees.温度计上的读数是九十六度。It's a sunny late winter day, just a few degrees above zero.这是晚冬阳光明媚的一天,温度只有零上几度。Different writers will prepare to varying degrees.不同作者的准备程度也会各不相同。The economy seems to be improving by degrees.经济似乎在逐步好转。Water freezes at zero degrees Centigrade.水在摄氏零度结冰。Half of the researchers have first degrees, the other half have PhDs.这些研究人员一半人拥有学士学位,一半人拥有博士学位。Honours and academic degrees were heaped upon him.他被授予种种荣誉和学位。Students would get their degrees from virtual universities.学生能从虚拟大学得到学位。The storm intensified by degrees until the rain was pouring down.暴风雨逐渐增强,最后大雨倾盆而下。The party leaders were all found to be corrupt in varying degrees.党的所有领导人都被发现存在不同程度的腐败行为。The temperature of the world's oceans has risen by more than 2 degrees in the past hundred years.世界海洋温度在过去的一百年里上升了两度多。His sight returned by degrees.他的视力逐渐恢复。The temperature ranges between 30 and 40 degrees centigrade.温度在摄氏三十度与四十度之间。The temperature is 5 degrees centigrade.温度是摄氏五度。




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