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词汇 随时准备
例句 The government is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for military action.政府随时准备由防御状态转向备战状态。Caroline had a chauffeured car waiting to take her to London.卡罗琳有辆配有司机的轿车,随时准备送她去伦敦。I'm ready to pass the torch on to the next generation.随时准备把火炬传给下一代。She stayed with the horses on the edge of the camp, ready for a quick getaway.她跟马群一起待在宿营地的外缘,随时准备快速逃跑。The men sit like coiled snakes that are ready to strike.那些人警觉地坐着,就像盘起来的蛇随时准备发起进攻。Other firms are waiting in the wings, ready to step in and make an offer should the current deal fall through.其他公司都在伺机而动,一旦目前的这笔交易谈不成,他们随时准备插进来报盘。He's always prepared to defend his case on air.随时准备在电视上为他的案子辩护。We must be ready at all times to stand up for the truth.我们必须随时准备坚持真理。 He says he's ready to help us at the drop of a hat.他说他随时准备给予我们帮助。She seemed poised to take on the leadership of the country.她似乎随时准备接管这个国家的领导权。Our representatives will be waiting for you to arrive, and ready to help smooth the way.我们的代表将等待您的到来,并随时准备伸出援手,铺平道路。We must be on the alert to discharge our responsibilities toward the friendly countries.我们必须随时准备履行我们对友好国家的责任。Armed guards stand ready for any possible attack.武装警卫随时准备应对可能发生的攻击。You should be ready to solve any problem that may come along.你应该随时准备解决可能出现的问题。Women are now aware of their rights and are prepared to stand up to their employers.女性目前已经认识到了自己的权利,随时准备和她们的雇主抗争。He has itching fingers always ready for a bribe.他贪得无厌,随时准备接受贿赂。The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings.民主党人随时准备揪出共和党人的任何过失。He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.他从来都不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备到别处从头再来。The pollution-control team is at the scene and is due to start sucking up oil any time now.污染控制小组就在现场,现在随时准备开始吸油。The stalwart volunteers marched in this morning ready to go to work.忠实的志愿者们今天上午已就位,随时准备开始工作。The military machine is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for action.军方随时准备由防御立场转向备战立场。He seemed always ready to strike out at anyone and for any cause.不管什么人、什么事,他似乎总是随时准备发起攻击。He studied the keyboard carefully, one finger poised.他仔细研究了键盘,一个手指随时准备敲击。Britain was poised to fly medical staff to the country at short notice.英国随时准备把医护人员空运到该国。To avoid an argument, always be ready to seek compromise.要避免争执,就得随时准备妥协。The little green Fiat conveniently parked on the corner for what was to have been a speedy takeoff.这辆小小的绿色菲亚特牌汽车停靠在一个可以出入自如的街角上,随时准备一下子起动。Her jaw was set, ready for a fight.她牙关紧咬,随时准备打架。Rangers must be ready to deal with emergencies of all kinds.国家公园管理员必须随时准备好处理各种紧急情况。She is an indulgent mother, ever ready to provide new clothes.她是个溺爱的母亲,随时准备为子女添置新衣服。She is intelligent, ardent, and ready to burn her boats.她聪明,热情,且随时准备破釜沉舟,一干到底。She's a doctor, so she's often on call at the weekend.她是个医生,所以在周末常常得随时准备出诊。He was always ready to split the difference.他总是随时准备妥协。Fraud squad officers had bugged the phone and were ready to pounce.反诈骗小组的警员们已在电话上安装了窃听器,并随时准备突击。She walked into the room with her eyes blazing, ready to do battle.她眼里燃着怒火走进房间,一副随时准备吵架的样子。The army is stationed near the capital, ready to crush any signs of a revolt.军队驻扎在首都附近,一旦出现叛乱的迹象,随时准备镇压。The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes.民主党人随时准备揪出共和党人的过失或错误。They can be ready to go at/on a moment's notice.他们可以随时准备出发。Someone at the plant has to be ready to deal with equipment malfunctions at any time.厂里得安排一个人随时准备处理机器故障。They'll be ready to embrace the new technology when it arrives.他们随时准备迎接新技术的问世。Hospitals are on standby ready to deal with casualties from the crash.医院随时准备着接纳撞车事故的伤者。




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