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词汇 enveloped
例句 That lovely, rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloped us.森林里那种馥郁芬芳的迷人气味围绕着我们。The first sight that met my eyes was the church enveloped in flames.第一个映入我眼帘的景象就是被大火包围着的教堂。She enveloped the baby in a large towel.她用一块大毛巾把婴儿包了起来。That lovely, rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloped us.森林里的那种馥郁芬芳的香气围绕着我们。The porcelain vase was enveloped in cotton.瓷花瓶用棉花裹着。Deep disquietude enveloped the whole society.深深的焦虑笼罩着整个社会。He got lost on the mountain enveloped in fog.他在大雾弥漫的山上迷了路。His past was enveloped in a shroud of mystery.他的过去被裹上一层神秘色彩。Her cheap, cloying scent enveloped him.她那廉价香水甜腻熏人的气味一下子包围了他。Black smoke enveloped the square.黑烟笼罩了广场。The baby was enveloped in a shawl.婴儿裹在围巾里。She was enveloped in a large coat.她裹在一件宽大的外套里面。The first sight that met my eyes on reaching the front door was the church enveloped in flames.赶到前门时,我第一眼看到的就是被大火吞没的教堂。The mist and rain enveloped the forest so that we could only see the nearest trees.整座森林笼罩在雨雾中,我们只能看见身边的树木。The area is enveloped in a pall of neglect.那个地区笼罩在一片荒凉的气氛中。Mist enveloped the mountains. = The mountains were enveloped by/in mist.薄雾笼罩着群山。The wrath of summer's heat has enveloped the valley.夏日的酷暑已经笼罩了山谷。At sunset, darkness enveloped the town.太阳落山了,黑暗吞噬了整个镇。Gloom enveloped the household.沮丧的气氛笼罩著这一家子。The city enveloped in snow looked so mysterious.这座被白雪覆盖著的城市看上去非常神秘。A pool of silence enveloped them.他们的四周是一片寂静。




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