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词汇 environmental
例句 Development has to be balanced against environmental concerns.发展必须与环境问题相协调。Limits on waste dumping will prevent further environmental deterioration.限制倾倒垃圾可以防止环境进一步恶化。It exposes the fallacy of short-term industrial gain at long-term environmental expense.它暴露了以长期的环境破坏来换取短期工业收益的错误。Several multinationals were fined for environmental pollution.数家跨国企业因污染环境被罚款。Economic growth and environmental regulations do not have to be incompatible goals.经济增长和环境法规的目标不一定互相抵触。Scientists are studying how exposure to environmental toxins may affect our health.科学家们正在研究环境毒素对我们身体健康的影响。Naess has been arrested a couple of times for environmental activism.内斯已经因激进环境主张被捕好几次了。Air pollution brings an awareness of environmental protection.空气污染是大家关心环保问题。The culling of seal cubs has led to an outcry from environmental groups.屠杀小海豹的做法已经引起环保组织的强烈抗议。Most people now accept that global warming could result in an environmental catastrophe.现在大多数人都接受了全球变暖可能会导致环境灾难的说法。They argued that the extraction of shale gas by fracking would cause huge environmental damage.他们论证到,采用水力压裂法抽取页岩气将对环境造成巨大破坏。The company has come under intense scrutiny because of its environmental record.这家公司因不良环保记录而受到严格检查。This causes environmental damage when the topsoil is washed away by the rains.表层土壤被雨水冲走之后,便会对环境造成破坏。The World Bank, with its poor environmental record, is an easy target for blame.世界银行由于在环境保护方面表现不佳而常常遭受诟病。Much of the plan runs counter to European agriculture and environmental policy.计划中的很多内容都与欧洲农业和环境政策背道而驰。It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun.它可以保护免受风、太阳等环境因素的危害。Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps.对废弃物的回收利用能够减少对垃圾场的需求,从而也有助于控制环境污染。The factory is struggling to meet national environmental standards.这家工厂正竭力争取达到国家环境标准。He is now recognized as one of the founding fathers of the environmental movement.现在他被认为是环保运动的发起人之一。We need to cure our environmental problems.我们需要解决环境问题。Greenpeace has been invited to appraise the environmental costs of such an operation.绿色和平组织已被请去评估这样一个活动的环境成本。The proposals met with violent opposition from the environmental lobby.这些提案遭到了环保游说组织的强烈反对。Indeed, it could be the worst environmental disaster in Europe this century.这确实可能是本世纪西欧最严重的环境灾难。The Head of Geography said the project was an example of the school's continuing interest in environmental issues.地理科主任说该项目表明学校对环境问题的持续关注。The explosion in the nuclear plant led to one of the most serious environmental catastrophes in history.这次核电站爆炸给自然环境造成了历史上最为严重的一场大灾难。A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rainforests.对热带雨林的破坏对环境带来了很大的危害。It was her trips to South and Central America that crystallized her desire to work on environmental issues.正是她到中南美地区的旅行明确了她从事环境工作的愿望。You could look for a career abroad where environmental jobs are better paid and more secure.你可以在国外找一份工作,那里与环境相关的工作报酬更高,也更稳定。Landfill sites raise some important environmental concerns.垃圾填埋场引发出一些令人担心的重大环境问题。There is already a high level of environmental contamination.环境污染的程度已经很高。It's a website devoted to environmental issues.这是一个专门致力于环境问题的网站。A telling sign of misplaced priorities is the concentration on health, not environmental issues.主次不分的一个显著迹象是人们专注于健康而非环境问题。The chemical refinery explosion was an environmental disaster.化学炼油厂的爆炸是一场环境灾难。The building project would be harmful to the environmental amenities of the area.这个建筑项目会危害该地区的环保设施。The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。Most governments know that we're heading for an environmental catastrophe but they shut their eyes to it.大多数政府明明知道我们将招致环境灾难,但他们对此却置若罔闻。The report sidesteps the environmental issues.报告回避了环境问题。Professor Williams will be giving a series of lectures on environmental pollution.威廉斯教授将就环境污染的问题作一系列的讲座。His book tells of an environmental apocalypse.他的书讲述了一场生态环境灾难。What right has one country to dictate the environmental standards of another?.一个国家有什么权力强行给另一个国家制定环境标准?




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