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词汇 environment
例句 It's a gross oversimplification to fasten on to the red deer as a threat to the environment.仅关注马鹿威胁环境的一面过于片面了。We won't invest in any company that pollutes the environment.我们不会给污染环境的公司投资。There is now clear evidence that these chemicals are damaging the environment.现有证据清楚地表明这些化学品正在破坏环境。Create a relaxing bedroom environment to de-stress you and help you fall asleep.营造轻松的卧室环境可使自己放松,有助于睡眠。They shared a deep concern for the environment.他们同样对环境问题深感担忧。Al Gore has stated repeatedly, that the American economy is dependent upon a healthy environment.戈尔一再指出,美国经济依赖于良好的环境。Schools are required by law to provide a safe learning environment.法令要求学校提供安全的学习环境。A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and permanence which they need.充满爱意的家庭氛围会给孩子带来他们所需的稳定感和安定感。The impact of toxins in the environment is a function of their concentration.环境中毒素的影响随着浓度的高低而变化。Children need to be raised in a stable environment.孩子们需要在稳定的环境中成长。In our business, we need people who are comfortable in an unstructured environment.我们这个行业需要的是能在乱糟糟的环境里应付自如的人。The toad changed its colour to blend in with its new environment.蟾蜍改变颜色以便和新环境混成一体。He grew up in an environment of poverty.他在贫穷的环境里长大。A lot of investment is directed toward protecting the environment.为保护环境投入大量资金。Increased emissions almost certainly have a damaging effect on the environment.排放量的增加几乎肯定会对环境造成破坏性影响。They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment.他们出了一本有关环境恶化的小册子。The species coexist in the same environment.这些物种在同一环境中共存。The human being struggles with his environment.人类和环境竞争。Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all.污染和环境的问题与我们每个人都息息相关。We guarantee a smoke-free working environment.我们保证提供一个无烟的工作环境。The new regulations will help the environment. At the same time , they may be a burden to businesses.这些新法规将有利于改善环境。但另一方面,它们可能成为企业的一个负担。Companies need to wake up and pay attention to the public's increasing concern about the environment.各企业需要清醒过来,注意了解公众对环境的日益关注。The subject of our debate today will be the environment.我们今天辩论的主题是环境问题。Sometimes the home environment just isn't conducive to reading.有时候家里的环境就是不适合阅读。The school provides an ideal learning environment for children.学校给孩子们提供了理想的学习环境。We need to respect the environment.我们要爱护环境。The campus is a substance-free environment.校园是一个没有毒品的地方。Attempts to clean up the environment are doomed unless businesses take a leading role.除非企业起带头作用,否则治理环境的努力必定失败。Organic methods help the environment.施用有机肥料对环境有好处。In such a fiercely competitive environment, it's inevitable that some companies will go out of business.在竞争如此激烈的环境中,一些公司会不可避免地被淘汰掉。Children like a stable environment.儿童喜欢稳定的环境。We're trying to create a better business/learning environment.我们正在努力创造一个更好的商业/学习环境。Click here to see our must-read questions on the environment.点击这里阅读一下我们有关环境的必读问题。The polar bears at the zoo live in a controlled environment.动物园的北极熊生活在人工控制的环境中。The company has shown a deplorable lack of concern for the environment.公司表现出的对环保的漠视令人震惊。It is important to create a safe, non-threatening environment for children.为孩子们创造一个安全轻松的环境很重要。No one can seriously question the political importance of the environment.没有人会真正质疑环境的政治意义。The modern conservatory is not an environment for nurturing plants.这个现代化温室的环境不适合培育植物。We must preserve our natural environment.我们必须保护我们的自然环境。A more pleasant classroom environment could account for students' improved performance.更加令人愉快的课堂环境可能是学生们成绩提高的原因。




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