例句 |
The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between being awake and being asleep.催眠状态实际上是半睡半醒的状态。I was half asleep when you called.你来电话时我正半睡半醒。For a moment, between waking and sleeping, he couldn't understand where he was.在半睡半醒之间,他一时不清楚自己身处何处。He listened, only half awake, as the teacher's voice droned on.老师的声音絮絮不休,他半睡半醒地听着。A neighbour found her semi-conscious on the floor.一位邻居发现她半睡半醒地躺在地板上。His eyes have the blankness of someone half-asleep.他两眼无神,像半睡半醒一样。I'm still half asleep.我仍然处于半睡半醒的状态。The narrative is inert and sloppy, as if the author had been writing half-asleep.这个故事既没意思又无条理,好像作者是在半睡半醒中写的。She was still only half awake when I brought her a cup of coffee.我给她端去咖啡的时候,她还半睡半醒。He's half asleep and a bit boozed.他半睡半醒的,有点儿喝醉了。Barely awake, we stumbled out of the tent to find ourselves in a foot of water.我们半睡半醒,跌跌撞撞走出帐篷,发现自己站在一英尺深的水中。 |