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词汇 半真半假
例句 A half truth is often no better than a lie.半真半假的话常常跟谎言一样糟。His replies were full of evasions and half-truths.他的回答充满推诿之词和半真半假的鬼话。His reputation, he said, had been unfairly sullied by half-truths and innuendos.他说他的声誉已经被一些半真半假的报道和含沙射影的说法给抹黑了。We are the only paper in Britain that has consistently ripped apart these shallow lies and half-truths.我们是英国唯一一家坚持批判这些浅薄的谎言和半真半假的报道的报纸。His own books and memoirs are a farrago of half-truth and outright invention.他自己的书和回忆录都是混杂着半真半假的叙述文字和彻头彻尾的编造内容的大杂烩。McCarthy's blend of half-truths and lies ruined many careers in government and the professions.麦卡锡的言论,有的半真半假,有的纯属谎言,毁掉了政府和专门行业里许多人的事业。




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